Thursday, November 27, 2014

Angels Camp City Council meets

   On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 the Angels Camp City Council meets at the Firehouse at 6 PM for their regular meeting.

   On the agenda is Update to the LOng Term solution for the Circulation issues in the Northeast Quadrant of the City.  That is the downtown area, right? That is where the circulation problems are!!

  Why is it everyone fears they are trying to sneak a way to hurt the residents on Dogtown Road, regardless of how they feel.


Anonymous said...

The city NEVER, as far as anyone knows, made a decision or did ANYTHIGN about the downtown and annex problems with traffic. NEVER! But they want to harass and force us, who live on Dogtown, to help their realtor friend>

Anonymous said...

ur so right about that. they tried to take people's land, tried to make a road from Finnegan I think, now they are after you guys.

Anonymous said...

If any of you think this council cares about the people on Garner or dogtown at all, think again.