Saturday, August 31, 2013

Rim Fire Update 8-31-13

   At 6:35 PM we received the latest information on the Rim Fire from the Blue Team Incident Management group.

      The total acreage burned is now 222,777 acres and it is 40% contained. The cost is $60 million to date. There have been 5 injuries. 5059 personnel are assigned to the Rim Fire.

Stanislaus National Forest Closed

   The USFS has announced that the Stanislaus National Forest will be closed

New Fire in Nevada County

   August 31, 2013:  CalFire is en route to a fire on Hwy 49 in Nevada County. It has burned around 40 acres so far and is threatening 5 homes at this time.

Rim Fire Update August 31, 2013

      Notice:  The mandatory evacuation issued at 10:30 PM last night by the Mariposa County Sheriff's Office has been lifted for the areas north and south of Bull Creek Road to Little Grizzly Mountain as of 3:45 PM Saturday August 31, 2013.

Hit and Run in Railroad Flat

   August 31, 2013:  At 2:47 PM a hit and run was reported to CHP on Railroad Flat Road. No injuries were reported. CHP is en route to the scene.

Smoke Warning

   August 31, 2013:  Calaveras County is included in the list of counties with smoke warnings for those with health issues for this weekend. All counties around us were warned also.

   Everyone should stay out of the smoke if at all possible.

Gunfire, then fire in backyard

   After gunfire was reported to the Calaveras Sheriff, a fire was reported in a backyard on Salmon Rd in Copperopolis on August 30, 2013.

    CalFire emergency crews responded. The Sheriff took no report. 

Arrest for Trespassing in Mountain Ranch

   An arrest was made in Mountain Ranch after a report of trespassing was called to the Calaveras Sheriff.

   This must not have been a personal friend of the Sheriff. He won't allow those creeps to be arrested, even with a signed warrant. Is there a problem at our Sheriff's Office? You bet there is!

Burglary in Arnold

   A resident on Bonfilio Drive in Arnold reported to the Calaveras Sheriff that someone  had broken in and stolen their water heater and copper pipe.

   The Sheriff took a report of the incident.

Vandalism Reported in Dorrington

    Vandalism was reported on Pawnee Drive in Dorrington on August 30, 2013. A structure, a bot and trees were vandalized.

   The Calaveras Sheriff took a report. It is not known if there is a suspect.

Fire in Jamestown

   On August 29, 2013 at around 1:20 PM emergency CalFire crews responded to a fire on Chicken Ranch Rd in Jamestown.

  Due to a quick response time, the grass fire was limited to a 10 x 10 spot of grass. The cause has not been determined.

Today is 16th anniversary of Diana's.......

   Sixteen years ago today, Princess Diana was killed in an automobile crash, while trying to escape from paparazzi.

Little split in the Cheney family?

   Liz Cheney, who is running as a Republican Senate candidate in Wyoming, says she is strongly pro-life and does not support same-sex marriage, when asked about her sister Mary, who is gay and married to her longtime partner in Washington DC.

   Should be interesting table conversation on Holiday gatherings at the Cheney family home.

If you don't know what a "selfie" is......

   It's likely that you are over 25 years old if you don't know what a "selfie" is. That is a photo taken by you of yourself and at least one other well-known person.

   The Pope agreed to have a 'selfie' taken by a group of young people who came to the Vatican earlier this week. Other celebrities, like  Madonna and Justin Bieber have also agreed to the photos.

Gay medic killed in car crash

  An openly gay Army medic, who criticized the military's " don't ask, don't tell" policy on TV in 2007 and was then discharged, was killed in a traffic accident in New York. He was 36.

Alaska shaken with 7.0 quake

   An earthquake of 7.0 magnitude centered on an Aleutian Island off the coast of Alaska, rattled residents. At least 3 dozen aftershocks  have been recorded of up to 6.0 in magnitude.

Rim Fire Update August 31, 2013

   As of August 31, 2013 at 7 AM the total acres burned in the Rim Fire is 219, 277 or 343 square miles. Containment is still 35%.


Actor Michael Douglas flying solo

  Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones have separated and Michael Douglas has been seen in France, flying alone, apparently looking and behaving much like a bachelor..


Gold Rush Day Cancelled

   The Angels Camp birthday celebration scheduled for today in the old downtown has been cancelled.

   Hwy 49 should not be closed off as had been planned.  Very little notice was given of the cancellation.

Car Overturned in San Andreas

  August 31, 2013:   One person was taken to the hospital after a solo car overturned on Gold Strike Road near Hawver in San Andreas around 1:30 AM this morning.

National Park Service Director vists Rim Fire

   August 31, 2013:  Jon Jarvis, the Director of the National Park Service will visit

Mandatory Evacuations in Rim Fire

   The Mariposa County Sheriff's Office has issued a andatory evacuation for areas north and south of Bull Creek Road to Little Grizzly Mountain effective at 10:30 PM August 30, 2013.

   For more information about this evacuation, contact the Mariposa County Sheriff's Office at 209-966-1111.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Rim Fire Update August 30, 2013

   The Rim Fire grew to 213,414 acres or 333 square miles today. It is now considered 35% contained/

   Many backfires are being set: fighting fire with fire, which causes more to be burned, but will hopefully stop the massive wildfire.

Car Fire in Copperopolis

   CHP and emergency crews are responding to a car fire that was reported at 6:13 PM at Hwy 4 and Obyrnes Ferry Rd.


Letter to the Editor: About Fire Management

   Dear Sierra Sentinel:

   I've read in a lot of places that many people feel the Rim Fire was mismanaged from the

School bus hits bump on Farmington Rd.

   August 30, 2013 at 2:18 PM:  CHP was called to the scene of a school bus on Farmington Rd outside Stockton, that hit a speed bump and one student hit their head on the window, causing minor injuries.

CCWD Holding Hwy 4 Corridor committee Meeting

  Calaveras County Water District is holding a Hwy 4 Corridor Committee Meeting on September 12, 2013 at 9 AM in the training room in San Andreas at 120 Toma Court.

Lamar Odom Arrested

   Lamar Odom was arrested this morning for allegedly Driving while Under the Influence in his White Mercedez on a San Fernando Valley Freeway.

Clint Eastwood and Wife Split

   It appears that Clint Eastwood and his wife of 17 years are splitting up. Apparently, they have already separated.

   Things haven't really been the same since "Mrs. Eastwood and Company" went on TV.  Clint is reportedly working on a picture right now, and is unavailable for comment.

Arrest at Suzie's Diner in Arnold

   On August 29, 2013 at around 1:50 PM Gerald Sterling Lind (46) of Arnold was arrested for Infliction of Corporal injury on a Spouse or Cohabitant, a felony and for Possession of Marijuana under 28.5 grams, an infraction and for Possession of unlawful Paraphernalia, a misdemeanor.44  

   Lind was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's deputies.

Arrest at MarVal in Valley Springs

   On August 29, 2013 at around 11:50 AM Richard Aurthur Hilgardner (33) of Valley Springs, was arrested for alleged burglary, 2nd degree, a felony and for Shoplifting and Disorderly conduct due to Alcohol, both misdemeanors.

    Hilgardner was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's deputies.

Arrest at A-1 Sharpening in San Andreas

    On August 29, 2013 at around 3:15 PM Clayton Raymond Baker, Jr, (33) of Arnold was

Brown truck abandoned on Skunk Ranch Rd

   August 30, 2013 at 12:18 PM:   An abandoned small brown Chevy pickup is reportedly abandoned in the middle of Skunk Ranch Rd in Murphys.

   CHP has been dispatched to the scene.

Chevron donates to Republicans

  We hear that Chevron donated $300,000 yesterday to the California Republican Party so that Mr. Brulte can get the roof fixed and carpet replaced. That was very nice of them.

California Voter Registration Changes--Republicans lose

    As of February 2013, the share of California Voters who say they are registered as independent

Black Cow Loose on Arnold

   August 30, 2013 at 9:45 AM:  A black cow was reported on the loose on Moran Road, between Ponderosa and Love Creek in Arnold.

   Use caution if driving in that area. CHP is en route to the scene.

My Sister's Closet has new location in Valley Springs

    My Sister's Closet is proud and excited to announce that due to our remarkable growth and the continued support of many, we have moved to a new location within minutes of the old store.

Grey, smokey skies

   The Mother Lode and even up through Lake Tahoe and Nevada are all seeing grey, sunless skies due to the Rim Fire, and it is expected to continue through Labor Day.

   It is expected to get up to nearly 100 degrees today, regardless of the  grey skies.

Talk about a Freudian Slip!

   The new Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was giving a speech on education on Wednesday,  August 29, 2013, and was attempting to make a Biblical reference, when he said "to multiply ourselves like Christ multiplied the penises--oops sorry the fish and the bread."

   Well, everyone knows where his mind was and social media lit up. The Spanish word for penises is penes and the Spanish word for fish is peces, just a letter away, but enough for a great gaffe.

NBC Poll: Americans against invading Syria

   After watching what happened to us in Iraq after false accusations of chemical weapons use, 50^ of Americans are against taking military action against Syrian President Bashar Assad, and nearly 8 in 10 believe President Barack Obama should receive congressional approval before using any force.

   So, do we learn from out worst mistakes which cause so many young American lives. We'll have to wait and see. The Pentagon is a powerful influence over any President, and without ongoing wars, they don't see the promotions as often.

Big Rig and Pickup crash in Valley Springs

   UPDATE:  As of 8:30 AM the road is clear, vehicles pulled into parking lot.

CalFire warns about holiday fire danger

    CalFire officials are urging Californians to be extra careful with their outdoor plans

NFL settles lawsuit

   A lawsuit filed on behalf of thousands of former NFL players over head injuries was settled yesterday for $765 million.

   The suit raised awareness of the danger of concussion among those who play football.

Fire reported in Tuolumne County

   Four CHP are currently  at the scene of a fire that was reported in Tuolumne County around 5 AM.

    Emergency crews are also on the scene.  The location of the new fire has not yet been released.

Rim Fire Update August 30, 2013

   Per USFS, the total acres burned by the Rim Fire as of 7 AM on August 30, 2013 is

Containment in Rim Fire increases

    August 30, 2013:   The Rim Fire is now 199,237 acres or 311 square miles. Containment is at 32%  of last night. 11 homes have been destroyed.

Facts About the Rim Fire

    August 30, 2013:  Michelle Puckett of the BLM has collected some facts about the Rim Fire that

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why Does the City of Angels Oppose SB594? Brown Act violation???

   On the Consent Agenda is a letter of united opposition to SB 594. We asked the City Clerk,

Aftermath Rim Fire

Someone's pickup truck that didn't make it out!
    August 29, 2013:   Although the Rim Fire still rages and is only 30% contained these photos of things in the path of
the destructive blaze will be with us for a long time.

A meter melted on a post.

Amador School bus hit

   UPDATE:  At 3:17 PM CHP arrived. The school bus was moved off the road so it is no longer

Sandra Bullock and George Clooney?

    Sandra Bullock denies that George Clooney has been trying to get closer to her!

Angels Camp City Council meeting--Lawsuits

   On Tuesday, September 3, 2013 the Angels Camp City Council meets at the Angels Fire House on Vallecito Road, beginning at 4 PM with three closed sessions for litigation.

Loose Car Hits Boat

   August 29, 2013:  At 9:44 AM CHP was notified that a car being towed by a tow truck had come loose, went through someone's yard and hit a boat on Arrowhead Street in Copperopolis.

   No injuries were reported. CHP is en route to the scene.

Two Perish in House Fire

   According to the Calaveras Sheriff's Office, on August 28, 2013 at approximately 1 AM Sheriff's

Armed Suspects in White Pines

  UPDATE at 9:39 AM:  According to a CHP press release the San Andreas office received information of a stolen

Tesla very successful

  The electric carmaker, Tesla, has been so successful that they have paid back their half a billion dollar loan 9 years early. Can't argue with success!

Medical Marijuana delivered to your home?

   This sounds like it makes a lot of sense, and now a few of the dispensaries are making requests to be allowed to deliver marijuana to the homes of their patients, who often aren't able to drive.

Don't drink the wormy water

   A water supply in an Oklahoma town was turned off after red worms were found in the filtration system for their drinking supply. A "do not drink the tap water" was issued to residents there.

Lamar Odom at Taco Bell

   NBA star and husband of Khloe Kardashian, Lamar Odom, was seen at Taco Bell making a large order. He didn't speak with anyone else, but he didn't look like he was on crack, either, according to a witness.

  He is reportedly back home with Khloe, at least for now.

Tours of Rim fire for Press

   August 29, 2013:  After today, we will begin seeing photos of the interior area where the Rim Fire has burned. The USFS is giving tours today to the press, who will be allowed to take photos of the devastation.

   They will not be pretty!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Traffic Collision on Hwy 12 at Burson Rd.

    August 28, 2013:  At 6:43 PM CHP received a report that  a traffic accident had occurred at Hwy 12 and Burson Road.

    A  motorhome vs a silver Ford Explorer were involved. An ambulance has been dispatched due to injuries.  CHP is en route to the scene. The eastbound lane of Hwy 12 is blocked.


OP-ED...Calaveras Supervisors: Al Segalla Writes Letter to Rebecca Willis

   There are always the regulars at every Calaveras Board of Supervisors meetings, a group of Tea

What did we ask Howard Stohlman, CIO? No questions allowed!!!

   We aren't sure if they were keeping it a secret or what, but yesterday we learned that Howard

Rim Fire Update

     August 28, 2013 at 6 PM:  Firefighters used aerial ignitions today to burnout Pilot Ridge on the

Calaveras Council of Governments meets

   On September 4, 2013 at 6:30 PM the Calaveras Council of Governments (CCOG) meets in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in San Andreas.

   The county will give an updated report of the Wagon Trail project (Hwy 4 between Copper and Angels Camp)

Pickup pulling Boat loses wheel

  UPDATE:  CHP cleared the roadway by 1:15 PM.

MIchael Buble' welcomes son

   Singer Michael Buble'  and his wife Luisana just welcomed their first child, a boy.

Alec Baldwin Involved in another fray with Paparazzi?

   Neither party has filed any charges, but Alec Baldwin apparently did have another run-in with a paparazzi or (razzo) in NYC.

Traffic Accident near Fire Base Camp

   August 28, 2013 at 11:40 AM:  CHP received a report of a traffic accident at Willow Ave and Main Street, near the base camp for the Rim Fire in Sonora.

   CHP is en route to the scene. No injuries have been reported.

Did you lose your bathtub?

    August 28, 2013:  Someone dropped a bathtub, still in the box, on Hwy 99

Three Arrested for Extortion and Conspiracy

   On August 27, 2013 Stephen Sheldon Brodie (43) of Railroad Flat, was arrested on Simpson

CHP report on Dorrington Traffic Accident

   On August 27, 2013 at around 4:40 PM, according to CHP, Morley Singer (77) of San Francisco

Some Calaveras residents are allowed to go on and on in Public Comment

   At the Calaveras Board of Supervisors meeting on August 27, 2013 a woman named Crane was

We lost 1.5 million jobs in two years

   Between the crash in 2007 through 2009, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a total of 1.5 million jobs were lost. The three areas where these jobs have not returned are in construction-related jobs, (not including self-employed, such as contractors), in manufacturing jobs, where technological advances have ended certain jobs, and many semi-conductor jobs moved overseas.

Who is the CIO of Calaveras County?

   During the reply to the Grand Jury complaints on the Calaveras Supervisors agenda, Cliff Edson appeared to almost get into trouble from the boss (Supervisor Callaway), when he mentioned the name Howard, and quickly corrected himself to say the CIO.

   Was this due to instructions that they are not to mention Howard Stohlman's name; the department head of tech services at the county, a major complaint the Grand Jury made?

   He is an appointed department head, correct? After reading the vague replies the Board of Supervisors had suggested making to the Grand Jury's criticism

111 Structures destroyed in Rim Fire

   August 28, 2013:  The cost of fighting the Rim Fire so far is $33 million and 111 structures have been destroyed, including everything at the .Tuolumne Berkeley Family Camp.

     There have been two injuries and the fire is now only 1 mile from Tuolumne City.   The cause of the Rim Fire is still unknown and it is 187, 466 acres and only 23% contained.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fifty Years ago Today....

   It was exactly 50 years ago today that Martin Luther King, Jr. declared his desire for a more colorblind American in his remarkable "I have a dream" speech.

Debut of Snow Leopard at Bronx Zoo

   This adorable snow leopard cub made his debut today at the Bronx Zoo. He is 5 months old.

Rim Fire Update August 27, 2013

   The Rim Fire is 184,471 acres of the Stanislaus National Forest and Yosemite National Park as of 6:30 PM August 27, 2013 and containment is still at 20%.

   Mandatory evacuations have been issued south of Hwy 120 and North of Old Yosemite Road.

Overturned vehicle in Linden

   UPDATE:  At 5:56 PM a tow truck was dispatched.

Traffic Accident in Wallace

    UPDATE:  As of 5:45 PM the roadway is clear.

PIckup hits tree in Dorrington

   August 27, 2013 at 4:30 PM:  A white pickup hit a tree at Hwy 4 and Boards Crossing in Dorrington. CHP is at the scene.

   An ambulance has been dispatched due to injuries and a tow truck has been called.

Wines on Main in San Andreas

    The Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce will present the 2nd Annual Wines on Main

Leo Schmollinger of San Andreas

This is Leo with his son Mark
   Leo Schmollinger of San Andreas, passed away of lung cancer at his home on August 23, 2013. He

New Law makes it easier on drug offenders....

      Assembly bill 721 will change the definition of  the law to make it easier on people busted for carrying illegal drugs for their own personal use.

   Approved by the Senate today, it changes "transporting" a drug to mean transporting it for sale, eliminating an additional charge for someone who might otherwise only be charged with drug possession.

Go look for a new job!!

   After severe federal funding cutbacks, California's Employment Development Department staff says an internal memo sent out to workers suggests they start looking for jobs elsewhere.

   There is a $115 million cut through 2015 which will force layoffs in the state. Partly due to congressional sequestration and ongoing underfunding of the Unemployment insurance program are the announced causes.

Independent Inspection of Bay Bridge?

   Senate Bill 110 is on its way to Governor Brown's desk for signature. The bill would allow an independent inspection (other than Caltrans) of the Bay Bridge, which has been under scrutiny is recent months.

   And we wonder why the Governor is skipping the party and ribbon cutting?

The Idiocy of the GOP--Impeach Obama, and help Democrats

   While regular life goes on in most household in America, there is that ever-present extremist

President Obama called Jerry Brown about Rim Fire

  The White House has reported that yes, President Obama did call Governor Brown concerned about the Rim Fire being out of control.

   We don't know the details of their conversation, but Brown went to Tuolumne County yesterday to gather more specific information.

Why Yosemite worries about it's old giants!

   Ordinarily, forest officials say fire is not very harmful to the giant sequoias, who have seen fire

This can happen in Calaveras County too!

Please be careful!!

Gunfire, Explosions, Fireworks in Arnold

   On August 24, 2013, the Calaveras Sheriff was called to Black Oak Drive at Country Club Drive for possible aerial fireworks or gunfire and to Rancho Paradiso, for loud possible explosions.

   No report was taken by the Sheriff.

Disturbance over Cat in Copperopolis

   The Calaveras Sheriff's Office was called to a disturbance on Ioquois Ct. in Copperopolis on August 24, 2013.

   There were apparently threats and a confrontation over a cat. No report was taken by the Sheriff.

Stolen Golf Cart found in Jenny Lind

  Whoever stole the golf cart, took it on quite a ride. It was reported on August 24, 2013 by a caller and recovered in a ditch behind the cell phone tower at Hwy 26 and Milton Rd in Jenny Lind, according to the Sheriff's department.

Governor Christie to burn Yankees jerseys?

   Governor Chris Christie, a diehard Mets fan, said that he will burn the Yankees jerseys her received as a gift. Of course, the polyester will pollute the air, but oh, well.

How to attract Wild Turkeys!

Black sunflower seeds and a pool of
water will bring the Wild Turkeys
to visit your property every day!

Traffic Fatality Victim Revived

   August 27, 2013 at 8:32 AM:  CHP and Stanislaus County Sheriff's deputies responded to a traffic

Alleged Child Cruelty arrest in Angels Camp

   Christina Janelle Martinez  (22) of Angels Camp was arrested on August 23, 2013 for alleged Child Cruelty causing possible injury or death, a felony, by the Angels Camp Police Department.

   Martinez was booked into the Calaveras County Jail and was released on bond.

Traffic Hazard at Hwy 4 and Pool Station Rd

   August 27, 2013 at 9 AM:  A traffic hazard was reported at Hwy 4 and Pool Station Road. CHP is en route to the area.

  Although we aren't yet sure what the hazard is, use extra caution in that area.

Board of Supervisors meeting today, August 27, 2013--Grand Jury

   August 26, 2013:  Tomorrow's Board of Supervisors agenda has Item #20, which is the response to the Grand Jury's criticisms

Traffic Accident caused by phone

  On August 26, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Jacob Plummer (20) of Sacramento was driving his 2012 Nissan

Smoke heavy today

   August 27, 2013:  Due to less breeze, Calaveras County is experiencing more smoky conditions from the Rim Fire this morning.   Smoke appears as clouds blocking or at least making the sun appear red.

   If you have any allergies, asthma, or other lung problems, stay inside. It is also recommended that you not do strenuous exercise outdoors while the air is this bad, even if you are healthy.

Traffic Hazard in San Andreas

   UPDATE:  As of 6 AM the intersection is clear.

Rim Fire UPDATE August 27, 2013

    UPDATE:  Per Daniel Berlant of CalFire the Rim Fire is now the 7th largest wildfire in California's recorded history. It is

Monday, August 26, 2013

Remember the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match?

   In 1973 Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King played a tennis match called in the press "the battle of the sexes".

   Bobby Riggs died in 1995, but now sources say he may have thrown the match on purpose to repay a reported $100,000 gambling debt to the mafia. This, according to "Outside the Lines" TV show.

Lung transplant recipient goes home

   The 11 year old who challenged the nation's rule about age and lung transplants is expected to go home tomorrow and two months of recuperation from the life-saving surgery.

Celine Dion selling her mansions

  Celine Dion has decided to cash out of the mansion market. Her Florida compound on Jupiter Island is for sale for $72 million, making it one of the most expensive listings in the state.

   She is also selling her Montreal estate for $28.2 million.

Calaveras Democrats Luncheon

   The Calaveras Democrats are sponsoring a luncheon at the Pickle Patch at 577 W. St. Charles in

Khloe and Lamar separated?

   The rumors which have been swirling around the NBA and the Kardashian family about Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian being separated appear to be true.

   In fact, the family says they haven't heard from Lamar for three days.

All for One, One for all...meowadorable!

Kiki and Chia are two adorable bonded sisters that need a
loving home willing to take them both.  The have
always had each other and love to run and play together.
They are already spayed, so the adoption fee is only $40 for the pair.

If you can offer a loving home, please visit Animal Services at 891
Mountain Ranch Road in San Andreas Wed-Fri 10 AM to 4 PM
(closed for lunch 1-2) or Saturday between 9 AM and 1 PM.

   You can also call 754-6509 and reference # A033587 & A033588

Op-Ed....."Friendly" Calaveras County Neighbors

    Can you remember when all neighbors in Calaveras County were "friendly" to each other?

Man reported in middle of Hwy 4 in Copperopolis

  August 26, 2013:  At 1:30 PM CHP received a call that a man pulling a suitcase is walking right down the middle of the highway at Hwy 4 and Telegraph Drive in Copperopolis.

   CHP is en route to the area.  Use extra caution if driving in that area.

Beware of Online Campaign "trolls"

   The online money collection business is very good and many non-profits as well as campaigning

Do these BIG FIRES influence budgets, taxes and lawsuits?

   Nearly everyone knows that the politics of fire is very influential and because the Rim Fire has

Rim Fire keeps growing

   August 26, 2013 at 12:15 PM:  The Rim Fire in Tuolumne and Mariposa Counties has destroyed 149,780 acres of the Stanislaus National Forest and Yosemite National Park.

   They say it is now 15% contained, but that may be land that is already burnt and won't burn again.

Calaveras pays, just like San Diego...

  Calaveras County pays big when they unload employees with problems; the most recent being

Fire on Hwy 26 in Linden

  August 26, 2013:  At 11:39 AM a fire was reported on the northbound side of Hwy 26 in Linden. Fire emergency teams are now en route.

"The Butler" tops box office for weekend

   Lee Daniels' The Butler took home top box office for the second weekend in a row with $17 million. Last weekend, their opening, the took in $24.6 million, which is really good for late August.

Donald Trump University investigated

   After finding out the the New York Attorney General is investigating his Donald Trump University, the Donald called the attorney general a "political hack".

Justin Timberlake re-unites with NSYNC

   The celebrities at last nights MTV Music Awards tweeted their happiness at Justin Timberlake's reunion with his old band NSYNC.

   You can start to feel real old watching those kids and their fashions (or not).

One thing we learned about Miley Cyrus...

 At the MTV Awards last night Miley Cyrus proved she's not Disney's little girl anymore. What more can we say?

Traffic Hazard in San Andreas

    August 26, 2013 at 8:07 AM:  A traffic hazard was reported to CHP that is located at Mountain Ranch Road and Marshall Ave. in San Andreas.

   It isn't yet clear what the hazard is, but use extra caution if diving in that area. CHP is en route.


Kaepernick didn't take many snaps

    In their final preseason game at Candlestick Park, the 49ers beat the Minnesota Vikings, mostly

Rim Fire Update August 26, 2013

USFS photo
     At 10 PM last night, the USFS updated the Rim Fire numbers to 143,980 acres burned but still

Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to protect Giant Sequoias at Yosemite from Rim Fire

USFS is actually running sprinklers to
try and protect the Giant Sequoias
in Tuolumne Grove of the
Yosemite National Park from the
Rim Fire.
  August 25, 2013:   Park authorities are beginning to get very nervous as the monstrous Rim Fire seems to set its sites on Yosemite National Park's Giant Sequoia Groves.

   The Sequoias are important symbols of the National Park System one park spokesman said. The Rim Fire, as of a report at 7:30 PM is 133, 980 acres and still 7% contained. 

Deer Fire in Tehama County

    August 25, 2013:    The Deer Fire near Deer Creek in Tehama County, is 10,270 acres and is 21% contained. 4 airtankers and 5 helicopters are assisting in battling this fire.

   Hunting season is open in the fire area.

Fire on Hwy 26

  August 25, 2013 at 3:26 PM:  A fire has been reported at Hwy 26 and White Lane, just outside Sotckton.

    This is a large fire, per caller, with a lot of black smoke. Fire and CHP are en route to the area. The San Joaquin Sheriff's Office was notified.


Head-on Collision on Hwy 108

  UPDATE at 2:43 PM:   We were just informed that the injuries in this accident are considered minor.

City of Angels Camp corrections of July 16, 2013 meeting

   On August 20, 2013 in lengthy minutes from July 16, 2013, one correction was made about who Mr. Difu was referring to when

Arrest in Valley Springs

   The Calaveras Sheriff was called to Baldwin Street in Valley Springs where a male had stayed in a trailer on the property without permission and refuses to leave.

   A deputy made an arrest.

Camping behind apartment building reported in San Andreas

   A resident at the Creekside Apartments on Main Street in San Andreas reported that there are 1 or 2 people camping behind the apartments, shining lights into the apartments, smoking in the dry grass and making camp near the big tree.

   The Calaveras Sheriff took no report.

Theft reported in San Andreas

  A theft was reported to the Calaveras Sheriff on August 23, 2013 that had occurred on Bargers Ct. in San Andreas. A Sheriff's deputy took a report.

Theft from La Contenta Golf Course

   A burglary and theft was reported to the Calaveras Sheriff on August 23, 2013 at the La Contenta Golf Course on Hwy 26 in Valley Springs.

   Theft was from the pro shop and golf carts. A Sheriff's deputy took a report.

Man napping reported to Sheriff

  On August 23, 2013 the Shell Happy Corner on E. St. Charles in San Andreas reported to the Calaveras Sheriff that someone was sleeping on the picnic bench.

   The Sheriff deputy responded. The subject had just been released from jail, so apparently he was tired. No report was taken.

Squatters arrested in Valley Springs

   The Jenny Lind Veterans Memorial District on Daphne Street in Valley Springs called the Calaveras Sheriff to report there were squatters in the park.

   The Sheriff made an arrest.

Disturbance in Mountain Ranch over cats

   A call to the Calaveras Sheriff on August 23, 2013 on S. Railroad Flat Road in Mountain Ranch was an altercation over cats.

   No report was taken by the Sheriff.

Vehicle Break-in at Hogan Army Corp of Engineers

   August 23, 2013:  The Calaveras Sheriff took a report of a vehicle that had been broken into at Hogan Reservoir by the Army Corp of Engineers.

   It is not known if there is a suspect.

Theft from SEI in Arnold

    A theft of batteries and equipment on August 23, 2013 from the locked yard on Dunbar Rd in Arnold was reported to Calaveras Sheriff's deputies by SEI Solid Waste.

   The burglary had apparently taken place earlier. No indication of whether a suspect was known or not. The Sheriff took a report.

Juvenile arrested at Treats in San Andreas

   On August 23, 2013 a juvenile was arrested on an out of county warrant by Calaveras  Sheriff's deputies at Treat's in San Andreas.

   No other information is known at this time.

Deer Stuck in School Gate

  On Friday August 23, 2013 the Calaveras Sheriff's Office was called to the Railroad Flat Elementary School because a deer was reportedly stuck in their gate.

   Fish and Game and the Sheriff's office responded to the scene. We have no information as to what happened to the deer.

Big Rig Fire on Donner Pass

    August 25, 2013 at 10:25 AM: CHP and CalFire units are en route to I-80 at the Donner Pass rest area, where a big rig is on fire.

    The worry of vehicle fires is that it will spread to the side of the highway.

Can;t see cows through the smoke

   August 25, 2013 at 8:30 AM:  A very dangerous situation in Tuolumne County is caused by the thick smoke over there. Two cows and a calf were reported at Algerine Rd and Twist Rd in Jamestown.

   CHP is en route to the area, but they can't see very well, either. If we think the smoke is bad here, just think what it's like over there. Please drive carefully.

What a darling!!

Sweet little Onyx is a four-month-old
kitten that is all alone because his best buddy
just got adopted. He loves people and other
kitties and he purrs easily; sometimes
before you even touch him.  He gives
kisses and is quite a beautiful boy.
Come to Calaveras Animal Services at 891
Mountain Ranch Road. 

CalFire Statewide Summary Fire Sunday August 25, 2013

    This morning over 8300 firefighters are battling a total of a dozen large wildfires across California.

Can hear the planes from Ebbetts Pass-Rim fire grows!

  As of 7:30 AM the USFS reports that 133,980 acres have been burned in the Rim Fire. Containment

Traffic Accident at Hwy near Big Trees State Park

   August 25, 2013:  A 2:56 AM accident occurred just east of  Big Trees State Park on Hwy 4. No injuries were reported.

  CHP dispatched a tow truck to clear the road. 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Evacuation orders lifted for Buck Meados and Pine Mountain Lake

   August 24, 2013 at 6 PM:  The most recent update of the Rim Fire in the Stanislaus National Forest is that the evacuation orders for Buck Meadows and Pine Mountain Lake have been rescinded.

   129,620 acres is the new number and 7% containment is a real improvement.

11,000+ acres of Yosemite burned

   August 24, 2013:  Yes, Yosemite National Park is burning. As of this morning we did confirm that 11,000 acres has burned within the Park boundaries in the Rim Fire.

   Officials indicate it is most likely much more tonight. We haven't heard the new numbers yet, though.

Tea Party members not allowed to read Sierra Sentinel

   Today we had a call from someone who says the Tea Party members, (although few in number) are not allowed to read anything except what they are told is acceptable by their leaders (whoever they may be). We are still laughing!!

   So if you are a B&B creep and his unelectable BFF who writes slurs against women, stay away from the Sierra Sentinel!  You won't like what you read in here, anyway!!! Stay with  F....O....X (duh)

Look! It's Bobby...the Copper Bobcat

photo by B

New Fire in El Dorado County

   August 24, 2013:  At 2:54 PM CalFire received a report of a fire off Hwy 193 & Empire Creek Circle near Georgetown,

70 year old Florida man shoots co-workers

    Authorities in Union County, Florida report that they are still seeking the motive for a 70 year old truck driver shooting four former co-workers and then killing himself.

   The Pritchett Turcking, Inc. owner was one of those shot down with a small bore shotgun. Two victims are hospitalized with gunshot wounds. Three are dead, including the shooter.

Kardashian-Odom Divorce?

   Although Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom are so far denying the rumors, there is a lot of talk that Lamar has a drug use problem and has cheated on Khloe.

Fire Reported in Mountain Ranch

   August 24, 2013:  A fire was reported at 3:07 PM at Sweiss Ranch Rd and Railroad Flat Road in Mountain Ranch.

   CalFire is en route to the area. CHP has also dispatched a unit.

Traffic accident in Sutter Creek

   August 24, 2013 at 2:29PM:  A traffic accident was reported to CHP at Hwy 88 and Ridge Road in Sutter Creek, across from the market.

   No injuries were reported. CHP is en route to the scene where a blue Toyota Highlander collided with a red Mitsubishi.

Deer Fire in Tehama County

   August 24, 2013:  The Deer Fire, which was reported around 2:15PM yesterday is now

Deer injured on Lower Sacramento Road

  August 24, 2013 at 2:08 PM:   CHP received a report that someone hit a deer and left it on Lower Sacramento Rd and E. Liberty Road.

   The deer is injured on the side of the road. No CHP has been dispatched yet. Use extra caution if driving in that part of San Joaquin County.

Smoke moving more Northeasterly

  August 24, 2013 at 12 Noon:  As it did yesterday, the smoke from the Rim Fire is now moving more northeasterly, towards Lake Tahoe and away from Calaveras County.

   Officials expect the entire Mother Lode to have a smoke problem from the Rim Fire for quite some time.

Traffic Accident in Sutter Creek

  UPDATE:  AS of 1:45 PM the road is clear.

Motorcyce down in Jackson

   UPDATE:  As of 11:04 AM CHP says roadway is now clear.

Cows out on Hwy 88

   August 24, 2013 at 10 AM:  CHP reports that cows are back out on Hwy 88 near Cook's Station. The caller thinks they belong to Elliott or Gary Josie.

   They're on a bad curve, so be careful if driving in that area.  According to Caltrans some ranchers have put up fencing to protect their cattle.

Rim Fire Update August 24, 2013 at 6:30 AM

    The Rim Fire was updated to 125,620 acres and 5% contained as of 6:30 AM on August 24, 2013. The cause is still under investigation.

CalFire Statewide Fire Summary for August 24, 2013

    As fire activity remains at a high level across the State, nearly 7500 firefighters remain assigned to

Our lives permeated by smoke....

    Our air, our homes, our children, animals and our lungs are now permeated with smoke. What could be worse?

Friday, August 23, 2013


It's hard to imagine how many forest creatures
are being tortured to death in the Rim fire! 

CEO of Microsoft Resigning

   In a surprise move, Steve Ballmer, Microsofts CEO, announced today that he would step down within a year.

   There have been criticisms that Microsoft has been losing market share in the past few years.

Top Three Universities in the World?

      Although Harvard University is still at the top of the worlds best universities, the number two and three are only 40 miles apart in northern California.

   Stanford is now # 2 and UC Berkeley is # 3.  That is something to be very proud of, Californians.

Yosemite is Burning.....

Is everyone happy now???

Traffic Accident in Railroad Flat

   August 23, 2013 at 2:28 PM:  CHP was notified of a vehicle accident at Railroad Flat Road and Silver Mountain Road, just south of Licking Fork Grade.

    It is unknown whether there are injuries or not.  CHP is en route to the scene.

LIght pole on top of car in Jackson

   UPDATE:  At 2:20 PM:  The Sheriff's Office and PG&E have been notified. Fortunately injuries were minor.

Paint Frogs in Copper Free for Kids

   If you like to paint and think frogs are always happy, you might want to join the Kids Club on

Traffic Accident with Motorcycle in Lodi

    August 23, 2013 at 12:08 PM:  A traffic accident was reported to CHP involving a motorcycle and an SUV at 99 and Cherokee Lane in Lodi.

   CHP is en route to the scene where it is believed a motorcycle may have run into the back of the SUV on the onramp to 99. An ambulance is also on its way to that location.

Tuolumne City gets Door-to-Door Fire Warnings!

   August 23, 2013 at 12:15 PM:   The Rim Fire has come close enough to Tuolumne City that Sheriff's deputies are going door-to-door evacuation advisory, strongly recommending that people evacuate, according to Jerry Snyder of the USFS.

   They are not yet, however, under mandatory evacuation orders. Earlier today, we heard they were evacuating in that area.

West Point man arrested

  On August 22, 2013 at around 8 PM Mathew Austin Moore (23) of West Point was arrested on Skull Flat Road for allegedly Threatening a Crime with the Intent to Terrorize, a felony and for Battery on a person, a misdemeanor.

   Moore was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's deputies.

San Andreas Woman Arrested

   On August 22, 2013 at around 3:15 PM Nickolette Geraldine Brabbin (22) of San Andreas was

Rim Fire moved to Southeast Blue Team Command

   August 23, 2013:  As of 6 AM this morning, the Southeast Blue Team assumed command of the Rim

American Fire Update August 23, 2013

   August 23, 2013 at 11 AM:  Officially the American Fire, northeast of Foresthill is 20,232 acres and is now 66% contained.

   The cause of this and the Rim Fire are still under investigation. They were not lightning caused.

Smoke level warnings in Calaveras County

    Calaveras County Health Department has issued a warning to those with sensitive lungs or allergies to avoid the smoke by staying indoors.

   Smoke coming from the Rim Fire in Tuolumne County, which is still only 2% contained, continues to appear as clouds over Calaveras County and is heavy at all elevations.

Car hits propane tank in Copperopolis

   UPDATE at 11:08 AM:    The silver Dodge ended up on it's roof. A tow truck is on its way.

Traffic Accident at Camanche

     August 23, 2013:   CHP received a report of a traffic accident on Curran Rd near Camanche on the Amador County side around 9:53 AM.

   It is unknown at this time if there are injuries. CHP is en route to the scene.

And another one "Bites the Dust" in Calaveras

   As usual, Calaveras County Planning Directors come and go in an unending controversial downward spiral of  

Bale of Hay on Hwy 26

  August 23, 2013: Be cautious in the area of Hwy 26 and Penrod Road in Valley Springs. A bale of hay was reported to CHP at 8:56 AM as in the middle of the road there.

Op-Ed....Wilensky-Callaway Plan to build tenements propaganda

   August 23, 2013: What is the reason for Wilensky (now replaced by Chris Wright) and Callaway want to put tenements up in Calaveras County (they are calling them townhouses)?

CalFire Statewide Fire Summary Friday August 23, 2013

  Nearly 8,000 firefighters remain on the frontlines as nearly a dozen major wildfires continue to

Rim Fire now over 100,000 acres?

photo courtesy usfs

  UPDATE: At 6 AM it was made official that the Rim Fire is now within the boundaries

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Finally getting a handle on American Fire

  August 22, 2013: 
 The only way to get control of these fires is to bring the large planes with retardant and water in immediately. They shouldn't wait several days like they've been doing.

   Now that the American Fire is being hit with retardant and water from tanker planes, it is 60% contained. It is now 18,000 acres in size

Governor declares Tuolumne County Disaster area

   August 22, 2013:  After the Rim Fire's rampage of growth tripled in the last 2 days, Governor Brown has declared Tuolumne County a disaster area.

   We 've been told that 2 homes and multiple outbuildings have been destroyed. Camp San Jose was evacuated this morning. The only good thing to report is that the smoke is moving north and east of us this afternoon.

Traffic Accident at Main and Hwy 120

   UPDATE:  Tow trucks are now clearing the area.

Tree Down in Murphys

   August 22, 2013:  A tree was reported to CHP as split and down in the road on Manzanita Drive at the Cemetery in Murphys at 12:51 PM.

   The road is closed until crew can come in and cut it up. Use extra caution in that area until cleared. Part of the tree is apparently into a residence.

Did PG&E ever have to pay for San Bruno distaster?

    So many people have asked that question and we have at least a partial answer.

NASDAQ Halts Trading

    August 22, 2013:   After a computer breakdown affecting thousands of stocks and options, NASDAQ was forced to halt trading.

   After a 15 minute quote-only period, trading resumed at 3:25 PM.

Bigelow's Audit Request is Denied

   Assemblyman Frank Bigelow, who has been attempting anything and everything to try and stop or

Jerry Brown longest serving Governor?

   Did you know that within a couple of months, Jerry Brown will become California's longest serving Governor?

   He first became governor in 1974. He was 36. That was the year Nixon left the White House and Blazing Saddles was the most popular movie.

Rumors of Sandy-Eggo Mayor packing

   August 22, 2013:  Apparently Mayor Filner was seen late last night loading boxes into an SUV parked outside City Hall.

   It was driven by a San Diego .Police officer, which is part of the mayor's security detail. A hasty farewell could mean the City Council could approve a special election at their meeting tomorrow.

Tuolumne County Planning Commission Cancels meeting

   We were just notified that the Tuolumne County Planning Commission has cancelled their September 4, 2013 meeting.

   The next meeting is September 18, 2013 at 6 PM in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in Sonora.

UPUD Installing new Water Lines in Murphys

   We've received a few comments from residents of Murphys and from those who commute

Smokey haze from Rim Fire-not clouds

    August 22, 2013:   The wind has died down and Calaveras County is getting more of the smoke from the Rim Fire in Tuolumne County this morning. These are not clouds.

    People with sensitive allergies or asthma may have some trouble breathing and should probably stay inside.

Rim Fire Grows from 16,000 to 53,000 acres

The Rim Fire during the night. Photo
Courtesy of USFS
   August 22, 2013 at  8:05 AM:  This is too shocking to believe! The USFS has allowed the Rim Fire in the beautiful Stanislaus National

Calaveras Chamber of Commerce mixer

  On Thursday, August 22, 2013, the Angels Camp Museum will host the Monthly After House Mixer, along with the Calaveras Visitors Bureau and the Calaveras Chamber of Commerce, beginning at 5:30 PM.

   The location is 753 S. Main Street in Angels Camp. You can park at the Catholic Church next door.


Traffic Control at Hwy 12 and Hwy 49 in San Andreas

   August 22, 2013 at 9 AM:  CHP is providing traffic control at Hwy 12 and Hwy 49  in San Andreas today while Caltrans completes some maintenance there.

  Use extra caution in that area.

CHP should be at the Murphys Hwy 4 mess

  August 22, 2013: A construction company digging to install pipes right next to Murphys Creek have

Caltrans Construction on Hwy 88

   August 22, 2013:  CHP is at the site of a construction project on Hwy 88 at Twin Bridges today. Use extra caution if in that area.

CslFire Statewide Fire Summary Thursday August 22, 2013

   According to CalFire there are over 8000 firefighters currently battling a dozen major wildfires

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cars Stopped for Injured dog

  UPDATE:  At 6:51 PM another call about a traffic hazard was reported at Hwy 88 and Bonnefay drive. We aren't sure if this is related to the dog incident.

Rim Fire from Calaveras County August 21, 2013

The smoke from the Rim Fire in Tuolumne County mixes
with the big cumulus clouds and heads northeast. This
is from Angels Camp around 4:15 PM

Traffic Accident in Railroad Flat

   August 21, 2013:  A traffic collision occurred near the Railroad Flat Store by the Mokelumne River Bridge in Railroad Flat at 3:15 PM. Minor injuries were reported.

   CHP is enroute to the scene.


Vehicle hits tree on Hwy 4 at Shirewood in Arnold

   August 21, 2013:  CHP is still at the scene of a vehicle that hit a tree after running off of Hwy 4 near Shirewood Lane in Arnold.

   The son wanted to wait until he got off work to go get the vehicle after the accident, which occurred around 1:30 PM, but CHP was sent to the scene. A tow truck has been called.

Dollywood gets an Upgrade

   Dolly Parton announced that she is investing $300 million to upgrade her Dollywood theme park in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

6.1 Earthquake hits Mexico

   August 21, 2013:  Mexico City's buildings shook when a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck 165 miles away this morning.

David Cassidy arrested

   David Cassidy, the 1970's teen heartthrob and star of "The Partridge Family," was charged Wednesday with allegedly felony driving while intoxicated in Schodack, New York, according to authorities there.

Employers hiring, but only Part-time

   The government released figures today that showed that although there has been a lot of hiring the first half of this year, three out of 4 of those million jobs are part-time only.

PIckup Flipped over on Hwy 12 in San Andreas

   August 21, 2013 at 1:58 PM a traffic accident was reported on Hwy 12 near Hwy 49 in San

Jeff Denham-R makes Republican enemies

   Rep. Jeff Denham has been a longtime Republican against the new high speed rail project, right?

Governor Brown Skipping Bay Bridge Ceremony!

   The controversial re-opening of the Bay Bridge, scheduled for September 3, 2013 will not have Governor Brown at the ribbon cutting.

   He says he has a family trip planned for that weekend. We don't blame him, with all the Caltrans questions and investigations going around the state.

Ted Cruz, the Canadian? Government Health Care?

  Since Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father,

What's another $81 million?

   In 2006, the State of California bought a 24 story building in downtown Sacramento to house the

GOP California leader says roof leaks

   We hear that Republican party leader Jim Brulte has more than his work cut out for him;

Angels Camp man Arrested in Murphys

   On August 20, 2013 Jay Christopher Whittle (30) of Angels Camp, was arrested in Tom Bell in Murphys for alleged local felony warrants for Burglary, Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sale.

   Arrest for alleged Obstruction of a Public Officer, a misdemeanor was added. Whittle was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's Deputies.

Copperoplis Man Arrested

   On August 20, 2013 at 7:46 AM Kevin Bradley Scholtka (27) of Copperopolis was arrested on Signal Hill Trail in Copperopolis for alleged 2nd Degree Burglary and Receiving stolen property over $400, both felonies and for Disorderly conduct: Alcohol, a misdemeanor.

    Scholtka was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's deputies and then released pre-trial.

Why Supervisors want new "summary action" program and NO MINUTES!-More Corruption!!

   August 21, 2013:  As you may know the county Supervisors are pushing for the "summary action"

Traffic Accident near Wal-Mart in Martell

      August 21, 2013:  Two vehicles and at least 1 motorcycle are involved in an accident reported at 10:31 AM at Hwy 104 and Wicklow Way, between Wal-Mart and Lower Ridge Rd in Amador County.

   CHP is enroute to the location.  Use extra caution if driving in that area. No injuries have been reported.

American Fire Update August 21, 2013

   The American Fire in the Tahoe National Forest was just updated at 9 AM, saying that the fire is now 63% contained at 15,738 acres near Foresthill.

Caltrans working at Hwy 12 and Hwy 88

    August 21, 2013:   Be cautious if driving in the area of Hwy 12 and Hwy 88 today, as Caltrans has construction going on in that area.

   CHP will be on hand to assist in safety at that intersection

Letter to the Editor: About Lake "toilet"

   Dear Sentinel:

   I am very concerned that again Supervisor Callaway and her cohorts at the Board of Supervisors in

Rim Fire threatens more homes

photo courtesy usfs
     August 21, 2013: 
 The Rim Fire was shown this morning live on Channel 3, and the flames were absolutely

CalFire Summary for Wednesday August 21, 2013-Red Flag Warnings

   According to a CalFire Summary, dry lightning continues to keep firefighters busy, as

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hwy 88 Rockslide

  August 20, 2013 at 5:51 PM:  A rockslide has occurred on Hwy 88 at Carson Spur. CHP is enroute to the scene.

   The report is that mud, dirt and rocks are blocking the eastbound lanes of Hwy 88 at that location. Use extra caution if driving in that area. Caltrans is being called out to clean it up.

Traffic Control in Vallecito

   August 20, 2013 at 5:35 PM:  Caltrans is cleaning up a spill at Hwy 4 and Vallecito Bypass Rd in Vallecito. CHP is handling traffic control until it is completed.

  Use extra caution in that area until clear.

Man found shot dead at Olivia Newton-John's Florida home

   Newton-John was not at the home in Jupiter Inlet colony, a town near West Palm Beach where a man was found shot to death.

    The man found was apparently a contractor working at the house owned by Newton-John and her husband John Easterling. Police are investigating.

Roseanne's 25th Anniversary

   Yes, it was 25 years ago that a stand up comedienne, Rosanne Barr took the country by storm with her brash blue-collar matriarch role. The show still airs as reruns on many channels.

Explosion at New Jersey Navy weapons station

   It is not yet known if the 8 people who were injured in an explosion at a New Jersey Navy weapons station this morning were military or civilian.

   One was hospitalized after the 9 AM explosion in Monmouth County.  The others were treated for minor injuries and smoke inhalation. It is not known what caused the explosion.

Out of Control Cab in New York

   August 20, 2013:  A tourist in New York City was hit by a Yellow Cab after it jumped the curb at 49th and 6th Ave.

     The woman hurt worst had her leg severed by the runaway cab. Several others were also injured.

NASA's newest class

   The next class of astronauts was paraded out to the press today in Houston. They even answered mostly unanswerable questions about where they will be going.

   The astronauts from this NASA class are evenly split between men and women.

Austin Whittle named Motherlode Cowboy 2013

     According the the Calaveras County Fair, Cowboys who competed at the Calaveras County Fair and the Amador County Fair in 2013 had a unique opportunity.

The Raisin law of 1937?

Did you know that there was a 1937 law still on the books that the USDA can confiscate 47% of a

Traffic Accident in San Andreas

   UPDATE:  At 11:20 AM the road is apparently cleared.

Heavy Smoke in Calaveras County

     August 20, 2013 at 9 AM:   The Rim fire in Tuolumne County is now 10,170 acres and the smoke has permeated the entire area of Calaveras and Tuolumne counties.

   USFS reports that evacuation and structure defense is in progress for the community of Buck Meadows. The Fire has crossed Hwy 120 and moved into timbered areas in a few locations.


Motorcycle Fatality in Valley Springs

   According to CHP, August 19, 2013 at around 7:30 PM, Calvin Scott (49) of Sacramento .0*was driving his 1993 Harley

Traffic Hazard in Valley Springs

   August 20, 2013:  At 8:21 AM a report of a traffic hazard was reported to CHP. Apparently one driver is out trying to direct traffic around the hazard on a curve at Hwy 12 and Oak Leaf Lane in Valley Springs.

  CHP is enroute to the scene. It isn't clear exactly what the hazard is at this time.

CalFire Summary for August 20, 2013--Red Flag Warning continues

  Since Sunday evening California has been pummeled with thousands of dry lightning strikes

Traffic Accident in Burson

     August 20, 2013:  CHP is still at the scene of an accident that occurred at Ospital Rd and Live Oak Lane in Burson at 6:35 AM.

   Moderate injuries were reported and damage to the concrete bridge railing was reported. A tow truck with at least 20' of cable was dispatched.  The injured party was transported to Mark Twain Hospital


Monday, August 19, 2013

Scattered Thunderstorms in Sierras tonight

August 19, 2013:  The National Weather Service is calling for Scattered thunderstorms in Ebbetts Pass tonite;  a 30% chance.

CalTrans construction in San Andreas

August 19, 2013 at 6:45 PM:   CHP is assisting for safety while Caltrans works on Hwy 49 in San Andreas tonight. Use extra caution if driving in that area.

Traffic accident in Milton

  On August 19, 2013 at 5:17 PM a vehicle went off the road and thru a fence at Hwy 4 and Milton Rd. in Milton.

   No injuries were reported. CHP is enroute to the scene.


Hwy 120 Closed into Yosemite due to Rim fire

  August 19, 2013:   Hwy 120 was closed about 2:30 PM today due to the Rim Fire near Cherry Lake

Traffic Accident on 99 Freeway at Morada Lane

   August 19, 2013 at 3:20 PM:  A Ford Ranger pickup and an Acura have collided, blocking one lane of traffic on 99 at the Morada exit in Stockton.

   CHP and an ambulance are enroute to the scene. Use extra caution in that area.


Big Rig Blocking Hwy 49 left turn lane

    UPDATE: At 3:11 PM Caltrans and a large tow truck have been dispatched to the scene. A third CHP unit is enroute.

OP-ED...Is a Rise in Violence linked to climate change or the economy?

      A group of scientists in the US have found that shifts in climate are strongly linked

Baby black Rhino born in Atlanta

   An eastern black rhinoceros has been born at Atlanta's zoo for the first time in the facility's history, which is spurring hopes of renewed interest in the fate of the critically endangered animal.

Celebrity Getaways Threatened

  August 19, 2013:   More than 10,000 homes are threatened by a furious Idaho wildfire, including getaways owned by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Hanks and Bruce Willis.

   An al-out "ground and air attack" failed to stop the blaze from spreading to more than 126,000 acres, according to the USFS.

Think College is expensive now?

   Just wait, say the experts, who listen to parents who are trying to scrape together the money for tuition, etc for their teens college education.

   By the time today's newborns graduated from high school, the figure the cost to attend a four-year private college could tally nearly $500,000. Scared yet? Start saving!

Gold Star Peak named for veterans

     Located on the North Shore of Lake Tahoe, between Mt. Watson and Martis Peak, Gold Star Peak

Lightning Fires in Plumas National Forest

  Between 15-25 small fires were started by lightning in the central and eastern portions of the Plumas National Forest around Lake Davis.

   Called the Plumas Lightning-August 18, 2013, they have burned 180 acres. Moisture is expected to increase throughout the week in the area.


Justin Bieber's luggage targeted by Drug Dog

   Just Bieber wasn't too happy when the Drug Dogs appeared at the Fort Lauderdale Airport to search his and his posse's luggage.

   Apparently someone had called in a report that someone in his entourage had drugs on them, according to the police. Nothing was found.

Illegal Firearms Discharge in Hathaway PInes

     The Sheriff was notified at 10:30 PM on August 18, 2013 that shooting was going on at the illegal

Bridges Fire 100% contained

  According to a CalFire report at 12:15 PM on August 19, 2013 the Bridges Fire near Melones Reservoir is now 100% contained at 46 acres.

Burglary suspect arrested

     On August 17, 2013 at around 6:50 PM Calaveras Sheriff deputies responded to a residence

Littering on Running Springs Rd in Angels Camp

   The Sheriff was called about bags of trash and several boxes and a fridge dumped on their property.

   The caller found an address of owners in the trash, but we wish them luck. The Sheriff did absolutely nothing when we had the same thing happen. And in this case, the Sheriff took NO REPORT.

Hungry black bear reported in White Pines

   August 18, 2013:  A caller reported to the Sheriff that a black bear was near the apple tree at the playground of White Pines Lake and Park.  No report was taken.

   They do love apples. For the call, another beautiful black bear could die.

Grand Theft at Ironstone Vineyards

     On August 18, 2013 at around 12:30 PM the Sheriff was called to report that "high dollar" items had been stolen from where he hid them in his business at Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys

   The Sheriff took a report for Grand Theft.

Campers Littering at White PInesPark and Ballfield

   On August 18, 2013 at around 9:40 AM the Sheriff received a call that People were camping at the White Pines Park and the Ball Field for a tournament and have trash scattered everywhere.

  They also reported that they are not using the Porta Potties. That's just lovely. the Sheriff took no report.

Bridges Fire Update

   CalFire reports that the Bridges Fire has been downgraded in acreage size to 46 acres after the accurate mapping process was completed.  It is now 75% contained.

   The cause is still under investigation.

Angels Camp Woman arrested

   On August 18, 2013 around 9 AM, Kyla Rose Porter (37) of Angels Camp, was arrested on Stanislaus Ave. for alleged Infliction of corporal Injury on a spouse or Cohabitant, a felony.

    Porter was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Angels Camp Police.

Felony Arrest in Arnold

   On August 16, 2013 at 1:44 AM, Ryan Whitney Bond (32) of Hathaway PInes, was arrested on Fir Drive for alleged Possession of unlawful Paraphernalia, Driving with a suspended License; Reckless Driving, both misdemeanors in addition to alleged Violation of Probation, a felony, with four different outstanding local warrants.

    Bond was booked into the Calaveras County Jail by Sheriff's deputies.

Did the Calaveras County Planning Director resign?

   After two days of rumors, it does appear that Rebecca Willis, the controversial Calaveras County Planning Director, has resigned. This from an unofficial source. We have not yet seen the letter!

Open House for Penn Mine-- Arsenic Investigation in Valley Springs?

   The Bureau of Land Management and East Bay Municipal Utility District will hold an open house

Horses on Miton Rd in Jenny LInd

   August 19, 2013 at 8:40 AM:  Two horses; one black and one tan, were reported to CHP, running down the road on Milton Rd at Shalimar Drive in Jenny Lind.

  CHP has been dispatched. Use extra caution if driving in that area.

Are you a "Doomsday Prepper"? This is big business!

    Some industries are making big profit off of the "Doomsday Preppers", who are certain

CalFire Statewide Fire Summary for Monday, August 19, 2013-Red Flag Warning

   Firefighters remain busy as they battle nine major wildfires burning in California

Letter to the Editor:.....About Honesty in the Press

    Dear Sierra Sentinel Editor:

      Honesty in the press? Unbiased reporting? Is there really no such thing?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Traffic Accident in San Andreas

   August 18, 2013 at 5:14 PM:  A multi-vehicle traffic accident was reported to CHP that occurred on Hwy 49 at Pool Station Road in San Andreas.

   A white Ford F250 vs a silver Subaru vs a white Subaru were involved. No injuries were reported. CHP is enroute to the scene.

Fire on Hwy 88 at Mormon Emigrant Trail

   August 18, 2013 at 4:18 PM:  A fire was just reported on Hwy 88 at the Mormon Emigrant Trail (the Snow Park).

   Emergency vehicles are enroute to the area.

Weather in Calaveras County

   August 18, 2013:  The National Weather Service says that Calaveras County will be partly cloudy through Wednesday with a 20% chance of showers or thunderstorms, especially in Ebbetts Pass.

Big Rig Fire on Hwy 12 in Lodi

  August 18, 2013 at 12:40 PM;  It was reported to CHP that a truck driver is trying to extinguish a fire in his big rig on Hwy 12 and Guard Rd in Lodi.

   CHP is enroute to the scene.  No injuries have been reported.

250 acre Wildfire Tuolumne County

    August 18, 2013 at 11 AM:  The Rim Fire, which is in the groveland Ranger District of the Stanislaus National Forest in Tuolumne County, is 250 acres, burning brush, oaks and pine trees in very difficult steep terrain

   Aircraft are on scene with ground units. The Cause of the fire, which was reported Saturday afternoon, is under investigation.

Melanie Griffith's date is....

   "Dark Tourist" is Melanie Griffiths new move. At the premiere she brought a date....the man she divorced 20 years ago, Steven Bauer.

Massive Evacuations in Swedes Fire

   August 18, 2013 at 9:45 AM:  The Swedes Fire in Butte County has caused massive evacuation orders  in the Swedes Flat Road area,

   The fire has burned 1850 acres and is only 20% contained. 400 structures are currently threatened. CalFire is describing the spread of this fire as dramatic.

HIt and Run on Sheep Ranch Rd.

   August 18, 2013 at 9:26 AM:  A hit and run traffic collision was reported to CHP  that occurred at Sheep Ranch Rd and Mercer Cave Rd in Murphys.

   CHP is enroute to the area. The vehicle is off the roadway. No injuries have been reported.

Illegal Firearms Discharge in Calaveras County

   On August 17, 2013 around 11 AM the Sheriff was called about illegal shooting on

American Fire Update

   August 18, 2013 at 6:45 AM:    CalFire has  requested traffic control in the area of the fire. Stay out of that area if possible to help prevent accidents and injuries to firefighters.

   The American Fire is now 12, 115 acres and is 40% contained and is not far from Foresthill.

Calaveras County-Bridges Fire-- Two injuries

   August 18, 2013 at 5:42 AM:  The latest info on the Bridges Fire in Calaveras County at Parrott's

Saturday, August 17, 2013

CalFire requests vigilance

   Due to the traffic in the Vallecito and Parrots Ferry areas while fighting the Bridges Fire, CalFire has requested citizens to be vigilant watching for the traffic of emergency vehicles coming and going in the area.

Clouds but no rain tonite...

Radar as of 6 PM on
August 17, 2013
   The National Weather service says that although Ebbetts Pass is cloudy, they are not expecting any rain tonight. They are on Sunday night, so be prepared.

UPDATE on Bridges Fire in Calaveras County

   August 17, 2013 at 4 PM:  CalFire reports that the Bridges Fire at Parrotts Ferry Road

American Fire in Tahoe National Forest

photo courtesy usfs
   August 17, 2013:The American Fire in the Tahoe National Forest is now 11,850 acres and is 45%

Accident reported at Hogan Dam

   UPDATE:  At 4:45 PM the road is now clear.

Fatal Accident at I-5 and I-580

  UPDATE at 6:45 PM:  The vehicle being held for evidence was towed to the appropriate yard.

Bridges Fire on Parrotts Ferry Rd.

The Bridges Fire at 1:10 PM from
the Hwy 4 Bypass
August 17, 2013 at 1:52 PM:  The fire we reported earlier is located at Parrots Ferry Road and Camp Nine and is called Bridges

Letter to the Editor.....About Yosemite

   Dear Editor:

   After reading about the Tea Party complaining that closing off a section of the Yosemite

Two Fires in Butte County under investigation

   August 17, 2013:  Yesterday about 4:30 PM two fires were reported on

August Schellenberg

   August Schellenberg, the actor who played the handyman who helped "Free Willy", in addition to playing many Native American characters over the years has died. He was 77.

Brian Williams recuperating on the Jersey Shore

   Brian Williams, NBC news anchor, has gone to the Jersey Shore after knee surgery,

Sun Valley homeowners and tourists flee fire

   Nearly 1600 homes were under mandatory evacuation in Idaho as a massive fire sweeps through the mountain area of the Sun Valley Ski Resort, whipping through sage and pine trees by the wind.

Union Fire in El Dorado County

   A fire that was reported at 1:55 PM on August 16, 2013 off Koki Lane and Pleasant Valley road northwest of Diamond Springs, reached 116 acres before being brought under 100% containment at 5:55 PM the same day.

   One home and multiple outbuildings were destroyed in the Union Fire.

Nearly Aurora Borealis time

   Since the midnight sun set for the last time last night, the northern lights will soon begin in the Northern Hemisphere.

   Many look forward to seeing the Aurora Borealis each year. You can find several websites that carry the photos of the electro-magnetic storms visual beauty.

40 Pythons found in Motel room

   Police discovered 40 pythons in a Canadian motel room where they were being stored in plastic storage bins.

   A rescue organization took over the handling and removal of the snakes, which were from 1 to 4 1/2' in length.

Fire in Murphys?

   August 17, 2013: At 10:30 AM CalFire from several stations are responding to a grass fire in the Murphys area, according to Angels Fire Departent.

    However, this plume of smoke does appear to be coming from the downtown Angels Camp area. We will give you more information as it becomes available.

CHP needs your help locating a Brown or Tan SUV

   CHP reports that on August 16, 2013 at around 10 AM the CHP was dispatched to a hit and run

Hit and Run on Arnold By-Way

   August 17, 2013 :  At around 7 AM a hit and run was reported on Arnold By-way in Arnold. No injuries were reported.

   CHP is enroute to the area.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Traffic Accident on Hwy 4 below Farmington

   August 17, 2013:  A traffic accident occurred on Hwy 4 and Walker Lane below Farmington at 7:11 PM.  No injuries were reported.

   A solo vehicle reportedly hit a tree. CHP is enroute to the scene.