Tuesday, August 11, 2015

We encourage reporting of suspicious persons to Cal Fire

  UPDATE:  Again this morning, CalFire is begging citizens to report suspicious behavior to 800-468-4408.

    Due to the anger in many people who have either been laid off, fired or for other reasons have "you owe me" anger towards the State of California and are jealous of other residents, to call the Cal Fire 800 arson number
for suspicious people.  You can remain anonymous, and you could save property and lives!!

 They direct their anger towards those who had nothing to do with their demise; and refuse to accept responsibility for their own violent and illegal actions.  This includes those who have refused to hire them or donate money to them, and want to get even.

   If you have neighbors who have repeatedly broken the law, seem to have absolutely no respect for the law, including a record of lying to law enforcement in the past, especially if they have expressed their volatile temper in front of you, we believe they should be reported.

   This way at least, law enforcement can keep an eye on them, so if anything happens in the area, they can focus their attention to those who have been reported first.  Remember a couple of years ago, a couple was arrested for starting fires out of anger.

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