Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why does Calaveras County have the Worst Clerk in History?

  Over the past year and a half, since Supervisor Callaway brought her personal political crony into the position of Board Clerk of Calaveras County, there has been so much trouble.

   After all of the errors, screw-ups, and other misdeeds, now someone failed to get the December 7, 2013 Supervisors Board meeting filmed. The Board was supposed to learn the Brown Act and failed, so we wanted to see why.

   Not only that, but the Board of Supervisors had lengthy questions and discussions amid doubts about allowing this person to stop taking the minutes; saying that they would always have the video as their evidence of what happened in a meeting.

  Now there is no video and this Callaway crony wants money for the audio of the meeting. Things get worse and worse in this department. What next? When we asked the CAO why no video, we get absolute silence.

   Since the Board Clerk was moved to the CAO's office we thought things would improve because of her having more supervision. It is our opinion that this doesn't seem to have happened. Why does Calaveras County have to have the worst clerk in history?


Anonymous said...

There's always a price to pay for government. It will get worse, wait and see. What was the cost quoted for the audio tape or disc?
Are you all preparing for higher taxes, you may be required to vote for or against? Hopefully, against.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else want to see Callaway impeached for her numerous violations of the law and corruption in this County?? I certainly hope we can remove her from an office she has continually ABUSED!

Anonymous said...

What the hell are you dimwits talking about?

Anonymous said...

Look who's the dimwit. Don't even know what's going on at the county. pay attention and you'll learn, and then you won't be the dimwit.

Anonymous said...

that's such a good point. how many people don't pay attention but then go vote. too many.

Anonymous said...

The Sentinel has been complaining about this clerk for a long time..of course no one at the government center listens to the truth!
Keep after it Sentinel and just maybe..something will change?I have had contact with many staff at the County and they have always done their best to be accurate and honest, why this clerk is still hanging on after all her bad judgements is a good question!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, the union will never get rid of the bad ones, and you are right, most of them are decent hardworking people who would never steal from their employers.

Anonymous said...

Did someone steal from the county?