Thursday, August 6, 2015

Dear Mr. Kearney:

   What with the and others appeal to the Board of Supervisors for your friends' Asphalt Plant in Rancho Calaveras on the agenda on Tuesday, there are a couple of things you ought to know.

   First of all, you were elected because people thought you were a moderate, serious thinking man, who would NOT even consider allowing ASPHALT in ANY of our neighborhoods.

    Secondly, if you are thinking any of us will forget your total lack of concern for any of us in Calaveras,  should you should run for office again, don't even ' 'think about THAT'!

  No property rights--except for ASPHALT plants?  A sad time for all of us!! We'll be watching on Tuesday!

   Calaveras County taxpayers--real TAXPAYERS!!


Anonymous said...

If he should turn around and vote against it now, he'll be playing phony because he's worried about his re-election and hence---retirement pay. They do not get a retirement without a 2nd term I hear.

Anonymous said...

I think he really needs the pay for this job.

Les Martin said...

Let's cut to the quick and pin the tail on the responsible donkey which would be the planning director Peter Maurer. If that chap didn't make the stupid comment that AC is the same as concrete started the whole problem.

The only concern I have with siting the plant at Hogan Quarry is a traffic problem on HWY 26. Repaving project normally take place during the warm months coincicental with vacation traffic,school holidays which further cause highway congestion.

Let Ford concentrate on making their core task at the quarry that of makingthe base material and make it available in its current form to those who are doing the paving jobs. Let the final mixing and heating take place near or at point of use.