Monday, July 18, 2016

Howdy Doody time has begun!!

   If you fell asleep laughing and woke up laughing this morning, you most likely watched 60 minutes' interview of the newest couple in America, Trump and Pence.

   It was hard to keep quiet enough to hear what was said next,
from Trumps' continually interrupting Pence, to Trump elbowing Pence and telling him it was ok to say something nice about McCain to the interviewer, who at times had a shocked look on her face.

   We actually felt sorry for Pence, who is a radical anti-gay extremist.

   Finally the corker, was when she asked Trump about Pence voting to go to war in Iraq.  Trump looked a bit surprised and then said, "he's allowed on mistake"!  When she asked why he bashed Hillary for the same vote, Trump said "She's not allowed to make a mistake.

   It was total Howdy Doody time and the entire week is most likely going to follow suit.  Be entertained. Watch the RNC Convention!

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