Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Assemblyman Bigelow: "Go get a logging job! " Recalls planned?

   Everyone knows our Stanislaus National Forest was devastated by a hunter on the Tuolumne County side. 
Congressman McClintock has bragged that he got jobs like he promised, after adding an amendment to clear cut the burned forest. What a boon to SPI!

   Every sign of wildlife burned to death, nothing left but ashes of the wonderful forest creatures we once knew.

   Yes, instead of allowing the dead wood to lie and help restore some semblance of an eco-system, McClintock, with absolutely NO Democrat votes, was allowed to give our burned forest away. He won't have to worry about aborting those poor little frogs now either. THEY ARE DEAD!!

   Now Assemblyman Bigelow brags that he too is creating jobs in Calaveras County. Since it is well-known in Sacramento, as it is in Washington DC, that Calaveras County residents are low IQ, have very little, if any education, and want nothing more that to LOG!

  What a disappointment Assemblyman Bigelow is to everyone who supported him last time. So go get yourself a logging job for the rest of your life.

     You are not good enough for anything else. Just ask McClintock and Bigelow and Wright.

   They are both calling it the ECONOMIC ENGINE of California, if you can believe that. I think I'll go throw up now!

     And since Calaveras residents clearly are not qualified for anything better, we should be grateful. Wilensky and Wright are in their camp, too. They are qualified to be loggers and nothing else, in our opinion.

   We need to throw them all out of office so that they can go be loggers!! Recall McClintock, Bigelow and Wright!!


Anonymous said...

don;t blame the politicians...blame the whack jobs that voted them in!!

Anonymous said...

Are you done "barfing"? What do you want done with the dead wood? It can burn again, look at your picture. Salvage the wood. It's removal may help block the next fire. That could help save the wildlife you so much want to save, giving them a corridor of escape. Your environmental justice concept without results is misplaced. Argue for an environmental review, with if necessary, an EIR to show the consequences, good, bad and ugly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Sentinel. Preventing fires is as simple as keeping simple-minded people out of our forests; ban all hunting first; then ban all campfires. Let the forests be normal, then the animals have a chance. Love you "corridor of escape" screwball terminology, lol.

Anonymous said...

Don't you see. He's trying to say he brought jobs to Calaveras county by burning down the forest. what kind of elected official is he anyway. i'm sick of the gun people controlling our elected officials. I agree banning them from the forests is a good start.

Anonymous said...

I live in Modesto. McClintock treats you like a bunch of hicks because YOU ARE a bunch of hicks. The tea party crowd makes you hicks!