Friday, August 8, 2014

Ku Klux Klan is calling.... YOU, Coward!!!

For the ugliest, shortest and
most cowardly racist of all!!!
   UPDATE:  They are still waiting for you, stinking, no good creep! We hear they are inviting all the dirty racist cops, too!

   Have you seen the stories about the Ku Klux Klan sending out a call "Save our land, Join the Klan"?
Who are they talking to? The trash, of course, and their stupid, loud mouth girlfriends!

   Are they trying to get the racist cowards in Calaveras County to come to South Carolina and join them?    These local worthless trash racist cowards are too afraid to move and join their buddies. They hide here and threaten women and television sets!!



Anonymous said...

LOL, luv your guts, kiddo. Go get em.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I wonder who this is talking about. The TV gives the hint, I think. lol

Anonymous said...

Is this the same one as always? I can't think of his name, but I think he's the one who Oliverras loves so much, right? Or is that the dirty racist cop? Can't remember, but good for you, keeping it up. Never let them rest on their little d****!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I think all RACISTs are cowards and losers. You're right about the pen, too! We support you. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed how many racists are also cops, bad, horrible cops, like the one who killed a guy in new York last week for selling cigarettes without a license. They at least call it a homicide.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes. I saw where CHP is recruiting for new officers. Hopefully they screen more carefully for racism and anger issues. Seems since 9/11 cops have just been allowed to run rampant over us.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the video of the CHP chasing an old woman around a car. He got embarrassed when passersby started laughing at him and beat her up terrible. Did he get fired?

Anonymous said...

How did our nice county get all these low-lifes anyway?

Anonymous said...

I was gone all weekend and missed this one. I want to volunteer to help these creeps pack.

Anonymous said...

Love it. Come on scumbags. Start packing. Your real family is calling you.