Sunday, April 3, 2016

Letter to the Editor: Kindness Zone???

   Dear Sierra Sentinel:

     It seems that the Calaveras Supervisors in San Andreas are allowing personal signs to go up behind their chairs.

     I refer specifically to a sign on the wall
that says "Kindness Zone"!  Is this a campaign sign for Chair Edson? I happen to agree with those who call him the BULLY of Calaveras!

   I watched a meeting they held the other day, and there was ANYTHING but kindness exhibited.  These Supervisors, at least 4 of them, support racism!

   What is kind about that?  You can't put up phony signs and lie about your IDEAOLOGY!  Racism is not only wrong, it's hateful and CRUEL!

   They have also voted to bring in an ASPHALT plant to pollute our air, and allowed a big developer to NOT improve our roads at Hwy 26. No kindness there, either!!

   Take down that phony sign, Supervisors!  I know they don't listen to any of us, but they are lying to the voters. Kindness is absent on that BOARD!

   SM  in Valley Springs


Anonymous said...

I'm from WP. I agree totally, except for my Supervisor Chris Wright, they should all resign.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I heard several people who support racism say they didn't want outsiders to get involved in Calaveras issues.

Isn't this exactly what the Confederate South said when the North wanted to ban slavery?? There was NO Kindness then either!

what is shameful is that outsiders HAVE to get involved because our racist elected officials won't do the job they were elected to do and other who live here are afraid to go public.

The supervisors DID start a RACE WAR. It's been brewing for a long time, but now its public!! I welcome outsiders!!