Thursday, January 23, 2014

Calaveras Supervisor Callaway should recuse on PG&E issues?

   UPDATE on January 23, 2014:  We just received a lengthy letter from County Counsel Janis Elliott, where briefly, she states that although Supervisor Callaway does receive campaign money from PG&E, and she does receive retirement benefits from PG&E that it "appears" not to be a conflict of interest because it was not money she kept for her personal use.

   Personal use seems to be the conflicting term here. Many see donations to campaigns a very personal use.
  When a Calaveras Supervisor like Merita Callaway retired from PG&E, did she receive benefits from them?   Did she get a donation for her campaign when she ran 3 years ago?

      Why, then didn't she recuse herself during the discussion and vote to give PG&E $82,000?  Why is there no moral compass in Calaveras County among elected officials?


Anonymous said...

this is the same as Tryon. They are in office so long, nothing is illegal. This is clearly an offense. Just like McDonnell in Virginia, taking favors for giving favors.

Anonymous said...

Could it be the other three supervisors don't know conflict of interest laws? Could it be they were caught up in humiliating Spellman they just overlooked Chair Callaway's conflict of interest?
Callaway can't say she didn't know.
Should the Vice-Chairman's ascension to Chair-man be reconsidered.
Did Callaway stain this board on purpose to give credence to her past statement of the board, "don't know their elbows from a flat rock." or was it a hot rock?
Spellman should be allowed his rotation to Chairman.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Callaway!! She is the worst thing to happen to Calaveras County! Get her OUT of office and PROSECUTE her for offenses. Thank goodness candidates with integrity are running against her.

Anonymous said...

She's a nice person. She's just been in office too long. This is just like Supervisor Tryon. Is she trying to break his record?

Anonymous said...

It could be a close call if it is or is not a direct conflict, but if she was honorable, she would have recused herself because of the inferred impropriety.