Sunday, January 5, 2014

Callaway wants all Board Staff Requests be approved --Spellman blames Edson!!

   December 3, 2013 private secret meeting of Calaveras Board of Supervisors it came out that apparently the Calaveras County department heads are complaining that individual Supervisors
are coming to them for information or a to do list for their constituents and it wastes
their time.

   Now we know that Callaway spends a lot of time in most departments (those where she is allowed) and wasting their time.

   The request she has made is that all requests must go through the Board before being sent to any department.

   As the only Supervisor to complain, Wright said,  that would put the departments and the Supervisors at odds, and make the wait times long.

   When an example was requested, District 5 Supervisor said to Edson, "Just out with it. When you met with the Planning Director without permission, she resigned".  Whoa! Don't you love how well they get along and are "civil"?

   Now we see why they don't want to film this meeting. Special meeting, hopefully few will show up and we can talk about what we don't like about each other, "Civilly, of course." Oh, brother.



Anonymous said...

By going directly to the department head, the BOS member saves him or herself a lot of time. The time saved from studying county codes and state govt. codes gives them more campaign time and fun time.

Anonymous said...

Spellman would never blame himself for anything. Chris Wright gets it. He knows that Callaway goes to nearly every department when she wants to bother them (except the Assessor, who has banned her)