Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vocal Minority vs hardworking majority--Supervisor Edson

  Calaveras  Supervisor Edson at the Strategic  Planning meeting on January 7, 2013, mentioned the vocal minority; those who are loud, attend every meeting and the Supervisors cannot avoid.

   Does Edson realize the loudmouths are the Environmental groups, who NEVER shut up, who always DEMAND no growth as the Supervisors goal? Who are they? We see them at every single BOS meeting, every planning meeting; loudmouth busybodies?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do ya think he was talking about the "regulars" that attend the meetings?
Maybe he wants to legislate in a vacuum. Nobody around but the "five". No contested consent agenda. No contested regular agenda or dialog. No Rules. Just themselves calling one another to schedule the vote before hand. Have you noticed a strange voting phenomenon between the three amigos?
Are they the best, brightest and well informed or just the most likeable of the last standing contestants? Are they, the elected BOS, doing their job to maximum efficiency or to their efficiency? Is their efficiency sufficient? No beating around the bush. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? In a positive way to assist Calaveras out of the financial difficulties delivered by the last of the old board and the old board members now history? Maybe Edson is having trouble transitioning from restaurateur to an elected position that requires attendance at more than community "fun" events?