Wednesday, June 15, 2016

District 1 Supervisor admits priorities will change

Things will change, all right!
   During budget hearings the current Supervisor of District 1 admitted that there will be a major change in elected Supervisors in Calaveras next year and priorities will change.

   Since he is one of the Supervisors who is likely to be replaced due to his bad decisions, Tea Party ideals and love of asphalt and racists, it is good that he is aware of


Anonymous said...

Adopt the Calaveras cannabis initiative. The county will be able to get it on the tax roll this year and will be exempt from having to do the $172000 EIR report. 28th is the day the B o S can adopt

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness priorities will change. Edson has been a big NOTHING who thinks he's really SOMETHING!