Friday, January 25, 2013

Op-Ed...Peoples' rights

    Peoples' Rights, Planet's Rights:  Holistic Approaches to a Sustainable Population

     by Suzanne York
   As the title reflects, I believe that the best approaches to the serious issues facing
our world must be inclusive and grounded in fairness, equality and respect for all life.

    In a nutshell, Peoples' Rights, Plants's Rights recommends focusing on the following issues to create a path to a sustainable population:

      * Women's Rights - providing voluntary family planning services to the 222 million women in developing countries who want family planning services but do not have access to contraceptives;

      * Youth Rights - providing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education to empower the 3 billion young adults under the age of 25 (of which about 1.2 billion are adolescents just entering their reproductive years);

      * Rights of Nature - shifting from treating nature as property by  recognizing the legal right of ecosystems to exist and flourish;

      * Rethinking the Economy - accepting that endless economic growth is unsustaninable and more efficient global indicators of human and environmental well-being should be adopted.

    you can read the full article at


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