Thursday, October 17, 2013

McClintock continues to badmouth the President

   Congressman Tom McClintock, who is supposed to be representing all of his constituents in Washington DC (that's a laugh), sent out a press release this morning, cementing his love of the Tea Party and hate for our President.   This time he's on the debt limit issue, and wants to stop allowing it to be raised.

    Well, Mr. McClintock, if your favorite President Bush (the white one) hadn't forced us into all the wars, killing our boys and costing us trillions (which we were forced to borrow from China) we wouldn't have such a large debt.  McClintock is apparently not bright enough to be a Congressman. Should he be Recalled?

   The perilous era that he speaks of beginning, has already begun. Black vs white, hatred and war vs peace and common sense and jobs. This is what needs to end, Mr. McClintock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Chinese rating bureau must be racist? It downgraded the credit rating of the United States of America. Is the American credit rating service that downgraded the USA's credit rating recently also racist, since the downgrade was done during the Obama Presidency? Why is no one talking about that legacy?