Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mike Borean files to run against Callaway

   In District 3, where we hear nothing but complaints about Callaways causing the demise of all businesses in Ebbetts Pass and young people who want to work have been forced to move away, we hear there is a formidable candidate running against her.

   Mike Borean, whose family has lived in District 3 for many years, has filed to run against Callaway in 2014.  We are expecting a press release from his campaign soon and we will tell you more about him at that time.


Anonymous said...

I hear there's one other one running against her. She always hopes for three so that they will divide the vote and she will end up winning. Maybe this time will be different. Hope so. She's just been in too long and is getting too old to be effective.

Anonymous said...

People accept what Callaway does as effective. Short-changing the taxpayers and voters of District 3 and the rest of the county. But District 3 accepts it as effective.

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope he's a full-time Supe. These Supes now work part time with only 2 regular meetings a month and get full pay and benefits. Its not right!