Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Saga of Dusty Costa - Part 5

   by Dustin Costa from prison

   It was here that I learned prison rule number one:  It's us versus them.  the guards and prison staff are not friends, and talking to them one-on-one invites dangerous speculation from other inmates.

   On my first day in the pod, I was introduced to the "white" shot-caller.  this is an inmate who, as the title suggests, calls the shots for the whites.

   Shot-callers are generally ethnic or gang related, though some other groups, like pedophiles,
sometimes have their own shot-caller.

   For new inmates unfamiliar with the rules of incarceration, the shot-caller serves the important function of orientation and providing the new inmate with some essentials such as soap and shower shoes.

  A goo shot-caller helps to keep the peace between the various ethnic and gang groups, called "cars".

   He will make sure that the inmates in his car respect inmates in other cars.  Shot-callers don't generally last long in their positions.

   (to be continued)

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