Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cal Fire's "Climate Action Team" for Forests--OP-ED!

      Cal Fire has just released an announcement of public meetings for what they are calling the State of California's Forest Climate Action Team (FCAT).

    These meetings will be held in late February and early March
to provide the public with information on the Team's proposed work, and to invite public comment.

  Of course, many feel that this means that while they are willing to listen to the public, their decisions may have all been made behind closed doors.  They say this is all to prevent massive wildfires.

   After reading through the press release, it indicates that they do not understand that every time they clear cut a forest, and bulldoze the underbrush, they are bringing the world a step closer to climate, and therefore, human caused destruction.

   Everyone who cares about the environment and especially the forests, knows that the forest needs the underbrush, the naturally fallen trees and needles to help itself hold moisture, support the wildlife that depends on a natural forest, and to regrow new trees.

   Instead of stopping the arson, the careless hunters and other crazy people from burning down our natural forests, do they really believe that clear-cutting is the only way this world has going forward?

   They also need to stop listening to uneducated people like Cliff Edsel, who makes ignorant  statements like "we need more open meadows" and "clear-cutting the underbrush is the only way to prevent fire."

   Are the environmental groups who SAY they care about our forests, going to allow this to happen. Isn't what SPI has been allowed to do enough?  When will people wake up and smell the sewer in California politics?  And this is POLITICAL!!

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