Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Boring debate?? Miss "The Voice" live performances??

  Overall, the FOX Business channel debate last night was extremely boring. The commentators were not allowed to ask any of the real questions; about guns, women's rights, George Bush's debacle, etc.

   No hard questions were allowed of the candidates. Where in the heck is the FOX Business channel, was the most difficult question for the viewers.

  Jeb Bush probably sunk himself when he stated that you cannot force the millions of undocumented people back to Mexico.  He also stated the truth; that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are "high-fiving" every time the Republicans talk racist and anti-immigrant.

   If you didn't change the channel back to NBC's "The Voice" at 8 PM, you missed Zach Seabaugh who shook up the stage with his Elvis style performance of "Brand New Girlfriend".


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