Sunday, November 29, 2015

Dear Editor: What about the Horse??

   Dear Editor:

   On Friday, I attended a small parade in the frozen conditions of White Pines, which was supposed to be an enlightening event.

   What I found was a bunch of wierdos who didn't know how to run a parade, much less a county, with Supervisor Oliveira in the center.

   The worst thing that happened was that he insisted some poor horse be brought into the parade (for the kids?) and the horse slipped and fell on the ice.

  I have been trying to find out if it was taken to a vet and if the person responsible is being charged with animal cruelty, as they should be.

   They say people in White Pines are easily pleased, only caring about clear-cutting being honored, but this was a disgusting disappointment to me. I live in Arnold!!

   I also heard some money they collected disappeared! Can you substantiate??

   Please print this letter.  And you know why I have to remain anonymous! Thank you!!

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