Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Calaveras Supervisor Tofanelli says cannabis committee 'hi-jacked'!

   At the April 18, 2017 Calaveras Supervisors Special Meeting regarding cannabis, Supervisor Tofanelli accused the adhoc committee of being hi-jacked.

   We agree, that Supervisor Mills simply used all the comments of his friends at the Tea Party to recommend a ban, and NO other purpose was made. 

   Supervisor Garamendi feels it is timely for the Board to do something now, with growers becoming legal and needing more regulation.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Did Garamendi read the tea leaves wrong! How did his expensive proposal even make it to the BOS? Does he understand government economics? He definitely wants to spend the taxpayer's money frivolously. What a waste of time and money! The issue is a land use problem. Mr. Planning Director, wake up and get the job done, quit goofing off. The problem is illegal growing, Sheriff D. quit complaining and get the job done, eradicate the illegal grows, call your California representatives, request the National Guard to assist in eradication of illegal marijuana grows and growers, call your federal elected representatives, bring in Federal Military with weapons, Humvees with 50 caliber machine guns and tanks if necessary. Your other choice is throw up your hands and publicly announce to the citizens of Calaveras County, the county government is corrupt, LAZY and only cares about paychecks and retirement benefits.

Anonymous said...

What did Supervisor Clapp express during Board comments? Unbelievable, I've never heard of it being publicly requested before in Calaveras County. Supervisor Clapp wants the new CAO to have the ability to fire, terminate, get rid of employees not doing their job. What is normal protocol when an employee has failed to do his or her job properly? Is is you're FIRED or RETIRE? Yup! RETIRE is offered and most often taken by a corrupt government employee and no notice in their employment file. A reward for corruption! If you're fired you loose your retirement. Another question: Is that a public notice that employee corruption is rampant in Calaveras County Government?

Thank you Supervisor Clapp. Now we'll get to see if the other board members will go along with it, CLEAN UP CALAVERAS COUNTY GOVERNMENT! I believe the firing process is a SKULLY hearing.

Not all employees are bad, but Calaveras County has it's share of corruption!

Anonymous said...

Dear Skully: This is about employees being represented by a union. The union will defend the employees even if they know they did wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mills is trash

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the good ole Socialist Employee International Union. They can defend all they want, but some things the SEIU won't overcome. Wait and see, it will be very interesting how the whole thing manifests itself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bowerman in his black second hand coat and greasy hair is disgusting. McManus alter ego or butt boy now that Tunno disappeared

Anonymous said...

McManus should just jump from a tall bridge and relieve himself of his pathetic life