Sunday, September 9, 2012

Noise Ordinance Exemptions

  A complaint the Sheriff's Department received on September 7, 2012 about a constantly barking dog is exempt under the noise ordinance the Calaveras County Supervisors have crafted.

   Yes, animals and all shooting noise are exempt
from the new noise ordinance, thee the two most common complaints of noise in Calaveras County.

 Is it the Lake Tulloch Resort and certain other businesses that Tryon and the other 4 are so eager to punish.

   So, you ask, why are the two main complaints exempt?  Easy!  Money, political supporters, graft, corruption and lobbying by certain groups.

   What this proves is that whether you talk national, state or local politics, the problems are the same; corruption is rampant and the elected officials could care less about us and more about who pays for their re-election efforts. It's so pathetic!


steven nelson said...

I live in Copperopolis. I moved to the country for a reason. I am also a father of four. We have animals, including barking dogs (as do my neighbors), we ride dirt bikes, we shoot guns. Me and my neighbors do not mind any of these sounds as long as you are being considerate of your neighbors. I DO mind BUMP! As a father of four I am not supportive of public intoxication, drugs, public nudity, public sex acts, public urination, fights or sexual assaults that happen at BUMP. And before you say I don't know what Im talking about, I went to BUMP to see what it was all about. So it has nothing to do with money, corruption or special interest. It has to do with a community standard. Its the reason I and many others moved to the country.

Anonymous said...

none of those things you object to have anything to do with noise. what are you talking about, morals?