Wednesday, June 26, 2013

State calls Rachel Jeantel, 19 years old

     A friend of Trayvon Martin, Jeantel testified that in February of 2012, they met and became friends, although they had known each other for years. 

   They did not date, but they were friends and spoke on the phone several times on the day he died. In fact, they were talking the night of his death.

   She testified that Trayvon told her a man was watching him. He had complained to her that the man kept watching him.

   I asked him about the man and he said he looked creepy ass "cracker".  They had her repeat it three times for the record.

   She told Trayvon that it might have been a rapist, because of the area he was in. Trayvon told her to stop playing like that.  He kept saying he wanted to lose the man who was following.

   The defense is saying he cannot see the witness clearly, that there is an obstruction. The judge said this is the first witness you have said this about. Move, if you want to see more clearly.

   Then Trayvon said he was going to leave the area and walk home.  Then they talked about the Allstar Basketball game.  Then Trayvon said that the man was still following him, and said the n******'s following him.

  Then she told him to run, but he said no, I'm almost to my Dad's place. He said he's going to run from the back and then the phone just shut off.

   "I called back and he answered." Trayvon said he was at the back of his Daddy's fiancĂ© house. He said he lost him.

   No, he's just walking faster. A second later, Trayvon said "oh, shit!" the n*******'s behind me. She was on her Bluetooth in the bathroom.

    "Why are you following me for?" and then the other man said "what are you doing around here?"   She is very hard to understand and had to repeat her answers sometimes 3 times, but she was very compelling.--------





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