Friday, June 28, 2013

New Witness for State-Jonathan Mamalo

   After the lunch recess Jonathan Mamalo was called to the stand, another neighbor at the complex where George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin.

   His wife has already testified. He heard grunts outside that evening. He heard the gunshot and went outside through the garage.

    With a flashlight, he headed toward the gunshot. He saw George Zimmerman standing on the sidewalk, identified him in the courtroom.

   Zimmerman walked toward him, and had his cellphone to one ear. He was bleeding on his nose.

   He took photographs of both Zimmerman and Martin with his cellphone.     He was the first one to make contact with Zimmerman after the shooting. 

   He said that Mr. Zimmerman was squatting. Showed the photograph he took, with Martin's body face down and his hands underneath him.

   An object was photographed on the lawn with his flashlight and camera by him.  Trayvon Martin didn't say anything when he came up to them.

   He asked Zimmerman "Why don't you call 911? " Zimmerman told him he just got off the phone with them.

   He told him he had a 9 mm gun. They officer said "for my safety I'm going to handcuff you. " to Zimmerman.

   The defendant told the officer he had a gun inside the waistband holster. Mr Mamalo saw it.

   Mr. Zimmerman asked Mamalo to call his wife. He placed Zimmerman's cell phone in the defendants pocket.

  Zimmerman cut him off while on the phone with his wife and said "just tell her I shot someone." Mamalo said that Zimmerman seemed fine and totally collected. He seemed upset that Mamalo was taking so long to tell his wife or something.




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