Tuesday, September 10, 2013

OP-ED....You are either with the Tea Party or NOT!

   Everyone has a choice who they spend their time with, hang out with, email with, whatever.
And for politics, you are either all in or you are not.

   When it comes to the Tea Party, you have no half way to move. You cannot hang out with them, read their emails, agree with their propaganda and not be associated with them entirely.

  It is your choice what you are known for; a Tea Party regular or a NON Tea party with sanity. You cannot go both ways, pretending to be moderate and spend much of your time with  extremists!

   Any other organization pretending NOT to be Tea Party, but is, is bad news!!  You are who you hang out with! 

    Face it! Make a decision! And don't try to pretend you are something you are not!!!

   The Tea Party is the Tea Party is the Tea Party, no matter how you slice it! We choose and advise NOT!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so true! These days you have to check whenever you think of joining something, who else is in it. I'm not getting involved in any racist organization pretending to be something else. that label will stay with you for life!

Anonymous said...

But every single Tea Party person denies being a racist! Every single one I've ever met! Right! It's true that you are perceived to be just like those you spend time with. Be careful out there!

Anonymous said...

I guess I wasn't very smart. I thought i'd go to some get togethers to see what it was about. I found out that it's just their hatred for minorities that keeps they together, and especially mr. Obama. I escaped quick!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a moderate Republican which is fiscally conservative with a social conscience.
BUT! The last Republican I voted for President was President Ford. That still doesn't make me a Democrat as I have voted for Republicans on the State and Local levels.
I have very, very little in common with this Tea Party.
But as it is legal to burn our Flag, this Tea Party can voice their opinion. Doesn't mean you or I have to like it!!
As a blog you have the right to free speech. Don't forget WE ALL DO!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous writer, but the Tea Party needs to admit UP FRONT that they are racist, and not try to hide it to newcombers like they did me.

Anonymous said...

Most of us "mature" people know, but the younger people go because they think its something bright and new, only to find out it's something old and dirty.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, heavy subject for a Tuesday. but important. Whether we like it or not, we are who we hang out with, you're right. when you're young you do some dumb things.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen or heard any racism at a Tea Party meet. And I don't believe that any of you have been to a Tea Party Meeting.

Anonymous said...

spoken like a true "patriot". Tea Party Patriot, that is.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know the leaders of the tea party here in our area. is it the big mouths at the supe meetings?

Anonymous said...

you mean segale and race?

Anonymous said...

I thought that Spellman guy said he was their leader

Anonymous said...

You people don't know anything. Its a guy named Corey Burnal or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Is this where all the Lake Tulloch "FLOATERS" have come to rest?