Thursday, September 26, 2013

OP-ED......Post Offices back in front of Congress Again

  Yes, due to the fact that the US Postal Service continues to cave into the unions, refuses to run the
Post Offices as a business and will lose another $6 billion this year, before long only those who are rich enough to throw away money will be able to send a letter through US mail.

   They are again this morning before the Congress, telling how they just don't know how these things happen; why they lose money; and why they promote incompetents.

   In fact, the Sierra Sentinel has warned about this before. Previously we warned that the USPS was going to be charging at least 50 cents to mail one letter.

   As of today they plan to raise the cost of a first class stamp to 49 cents. This is in order to pay their unions, benefits and retirees off; not to help the US citizens.

   Before long, we have to realize, the cost of that same stamp will be at least $1. They report that they are slowly getting rid of their mentally ill, alcoholics and all the rest of their worst employees.

   They bragged a couple of years ago that they agreed to hire 50,000 veterans. Now they say they are only hiring on a contract basis. So how many veterans have they hired.

   It is our estimation that they have at least 50% more employees that they actually need, and twice as many locations as they need nationwide.

  Most smart business people avoid the US Post Office whenever possible. It has become an extreme liberal business, like the environmental organizations, which only extremists support. They have to keep paying them or they will flounder and fail.

   We have a report on their failure to hire and promote competent management which we will report soon.

   Are you one of the extreme liberals who believe that our tax money should support this welfare type organization; welfare for union employees and not for the people?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that the only people who go to work for the post office can't get hired anywhere else!