Saturday, September 21, 2013

OP-ED: Three families wanted to move to Calaveras County

   In 2008, three nice families put their money together and bought 108 acres on Pool Station Rd in
Calaveras County.  They did not realize at the time that was their first mistake. Hateful neighbors; you ain't seen nothing like these NIMBYs. (Not In My Back Yard)

   These three families wanted to move here and become part of the Calaveras County Community. They planned to divide their 108 acres into 4-10 acre parcels and one large remaining parcel. per the General Plan and zoning allowances.

   They were not aware how much hatred there is for "newcomers" in Calaveras County or how much racism and other biases exist here and how far these people were willing to go to keep nice people out.

   They were also not aware that Calaveras County Supervisors and their staff can lie, cheat, make false promises and do so, and get away with it. County Counsel says so on tape ( just like Used Car Salesmen).

   Now they know. If you watch the video of the Calaveras Board of Supervisors for September 12, 2013, you will learn that, and much more.

   You will learn that a small number of people are being paid way too much money from outside sources to pursue this horrid  treatment of any possible "newcomers".

   You will also learn that Calaveras County and its departments are totally anti-business, anti-building, anti-job and in our opinion, clearly anti "newcomers".

   You will learn that they are allowed to lie to the public and do; that any of these 5 Supervisors, and especially Supervisors Edson and Ponte, are anti-job, and allow their supporters to control their actions and their votes out of fear of not being re-elected.

   We have heard both of them lie and say they are pro-job, but it is action that matters, not words. Now we know the truth.

    This video, if you watch it; and more than once is better, that Supervisor Callaway runs the Planning Department admittedly, and has for years. She has even stated "Call me" for Planning.

   You will also learn that new Supervisors can be manipulated  into believing that laws exist that do not. This is the most hateful part of all. Any elected official that can be used this way needs to go.

   We need a new Board of Supervisors and no Supervisor that voter elected once,  believing they  might be good,  should be allowed to serve more than one term.


Anonymous said...

Is it true that they had low-life neighbors who came after them threateningly wearing guns, and used racial epithets. Calaveras does not have friendly neighbors. Beware. do not buy land here! I believe these people are dangerous!

Anonymous said...

Is that the same ones who collect welfare from the government and get out of paying taxes like the rest of us.

I think I heard him MOOING!

Anonymous said...

The welfare ranchers all support Ponte. She was elected by them to take Tryon's place.

Anonymous said...

I moved here thinking there would be nice people here,wrong! On one side my neighbor is just plain mean and on the other side, he's crraazzy. I'm leaving the county for an area with less inbreds.

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear more of the story from the folks that bought the property and the issue.. We all already know that the supervisors are corrupt.