Friday, April 18, 2014

Is your Work life Important?

   Today there was an article in a national newsletter about France limiting the number of emails an employee can get on their weekends off.

    Now France is a very socialistic country, but we've talked to some in the US who would like more free time away from work and less responsibility.

  It is true that this recession has made it necessary for most small companies to try and do more will less employees, but most of this seems to be your philosophy of life or how you were raised.

  If you were raised by immigrants, who took pride in their work, they passed it on to you. You, therefore realize that without a field of work that you can be proud of, you have nothing to look back on in your older years.

  Yes, work is the great ethic of America; or at least it was of the baby boomer generation. Now we see young people who really don't want to work, but ski, boat, play games, etc.

    In many families, however, the pride of work ethic is still present and those families who instill it in their children; you get what you work for, will be the successful ones.

   Call them the "workaholics" or whatever, but they are the ones who made this country great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I can remember my father saying it didn't matter if you dug ditches, pumped gas, cleaned bathrooms or what for a living; that you should be the best you can and be grateful for what you have. Now I don't think young people feel that way, tho.