Thursday, September 11, 2014

McClintock "feathering his nest" and feeding out of the "public trough"?

Why do you think his hat
is 'askew'?
   September 10, 2014:  The Art Moore for Congress Campaign has released a question for the voters about the NFL and Tom McClintock.

    It asks if he and the NFL are both "out of touch" with women?  Has McClintock repeatedly voted against the Violence to Women Act?  Well, in a word, yes!

    Art Moore says that he would have voted differently on this, and we quote "This is more evidence of how out of touch this career politician is to the values of the 4th District.

     Is McClintocks legacy in politics is not to fight for others, but to 'feather his own nest' while feeding at the 'public trough'?"

   We agree that it is past time for a change and time to throw this extremist tea party member out of office.

   Do women in District 4 vote for who their husband tells them or do they think for themselves?

    We need someone who will fight for our district and give us the representation we deserve!! We are voting for Art Moore!!

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