Saturday, October 11, 2014

If you see a cop, get your camera--Protect yourself!!

UPDATE:  October 9, 2014:  On Morning Joe this morning, Joe Scarborough,  conservative previous Congressman from Florida made a broad statement after yet another teen was shot by a white officer in St. Louis.  "CAMERAS,

   Keep them nearby and use them whenever you see a COP!!"
  After the video was released yesterday of a grandmother being tazed by a cop, along with all the other cop abuses in the US, we are advising the public:

  If a cop pulls you over, comes to your property, or at any time approaches you, turn on your video camera or your cell phone camera, especially if you are a woman or minority.

   We are all aware that there are a few dirty cops in Calaveras ands some are still on the force, so protect yourself and your family with a CAMERA!  Even without violence, they lie about what you said, so your only comfort is to tape everything!!


Anonymous said...

You're right. With a Sheriff with less than stellar reputation; drinking, protecting his racist buddies, the criminals are his friends ad who knows what else, we have to protect ourselves and our wives.

Anonymous said...

you don't have to tell me. I carry a camera everywhere. they can even preted to be nice, but they are NOT!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully cops whom bully Calaveras County citizens by, making up lies and pressuring innocent people into saying the wrong things, or making a person feel completely nervous and then, give them a field sobriety test on the side of the road, claim there under the influence of a stimulant, because their heart rate is high, well NO SH%@t !!! I can only imagine how stressful this situation would be, and an elevated heart rate would be expected. Never the less, they harass and embarrass us all the time. This needs to stop and brought out on the table, before it becomes worse. They are humans, just like you and I, so then why don't they treat us like a human, before causing a problem that never existed to begin with. You think if this approach to crime fighting was working, there would be less crimes committed and drug use decreased..? Obviously this is not the case, and drug use and crime in our county continues. THINK ABOUT IT...