Friday, October 24, 2014

Has Calaveras Candidate Michael Oliveira payed court judgment?

Oliveiras main supporters are the
people who shoot next to homes
at Candyrock Gun Range, an
illegal range in Ebbetts Pass.
    UPDATE on August 1, 2014:  We are extremely concerned about the comments we have received regarding Michael Oliveiras past in Danville. 
He has still not denied any of the allegations made nor answered any of the questions raised.

    In District 3 there has been harassment, violence, trespassing, threats and damaging property involving Michael Oliveira's campaigners. You can only hide things for so long.
The rumors continue to prove true and grow.

   Many told us they believed that he would drop out as a result of this coming public. However, we find that instead, he went to court to try and support his campaigners. You can lie for only so long!!

   When they LOST and are required by the judge to PAY UP, we have been told that Oliveira  may be the one to pay their judgment.  As more things come out, he loses more and more support. Sad, but


Anonymous said...

One thing I know about Oliveras. He has been quoted as wanting to help others. That's a joke. He has always and ever only helped HIMSELF!
Now he's trying to get an easy job with pay.

Anonymous said...

No, its more, I think. He has gotten money $$ from a certain bunch of gun people he has promised to get MORE gun ranges for, probably right next to my house and yours.

Anonymous said...

LOL, heard all about that. Has he ever denied it? when a candidate gets mixed up with racist lunatics and gun wachos, he loses every time.

Anonymous said...

I just love the nickname, Mr. Mustache. So true.

Anonymous said...

All I know is that he hangs out with dirty cops. Several people have talked to me about that. don't know what his problem is, but isn't he supposed to be a cop? why would he hang out with dirty cops?

Anonymous said...

I heard he really lived in Danville, googled it and its true. he lives and has businesses in Danville. How can he possibly be a supervisor here? No way, Mr. Mustache

Anonymous said...

He should pay if he is responsible. I voted for him in June, but now there is so much stuff coming out about him. I can't now.

Anonymous said...

There is so so much more voters need to know about him ...loose with the facts Murphy's town hall he said he directly supervised a budget larger than our county's way...he was a relatively low level safety director in a fairly small company at the time. No way his dept budget was even a million. He may not know what our county budget is or he figured us locals are too dumb to fact check..well some some of us lived and worked in the Danville area and have connections there still.

Anonymous said...

Finally someone who can call him on his lies to the voters in District 3. Do you know about his home and businesses in Danville? We really need to know what this guy is all about. He puts on a phony front. That we do know.

Nazi boy said...

Olivera is a slick willy like Clinton but without substance. He sure had ever body fooled. There is a tar and bath awaiting him after he climbs out of that empty mine shift that he slipped and fell into!

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't so far away, the shooters could drive to the Tryon illegal outdoor shooting range. They could compete in the "Top Gun" event with members of the BOS, Sheriff's office, Angels Camp PD, CHP and others.

Only one illegal outdoor shooting range has been shut down in Calaveras County.

Anonymous said...

Those metertties can't hide. they knew all along. they not only allowed it, but most likely ordered it, along with oliveira

Anonymous said...

Those metertties can't hide. they knew all along. they not only allowed it, but most likely ordered it, along with oliveira

Anonymous said...

First of all, this article says past. we don't believe his 5 wives think this is past, but current.