Tuesday, October 14, 2014

McClintock only appears before the sun comes up?

   Apparently afraid of having the sun shine on him, Tom McClintock only agreed to one debate, and it began before sunrise at 7 AM October 14, 2014 in Auburn.

    In District 4, the most beautiful parts of the state,
including Lake Tahoe and Yosemite National Park are represented by Tom McClintock, who only cares about clear-cutting.

    The insults became personal, as McClintock (with frizzy white hair flying) became angry when Moore thanked him for traveling to OUR district from Ami Bera's district (where he lives).

   He seemed to be trying to say that the $150,000 a year he makes would not allow him to move into District 4. Very strange. 

   McClintock then tried to criticize Moore for not registering to vote while he was in the military. Moore replied "I've voted in District 4 more times that you have, Mr. McClintock."  By the time the hour was up, McClintock looked harried and even older than his years.

   What we need is someone to care for us and our beautiful District; someone like Art Moore. Every honorable veteran I've spoken with says they want a real veteran to represent them.

   By this time the sun was up and Mr. McClintock had to hurry back to his resting place.


Anonymous said...

McClintock, who claims to know how our economy should work, paid more for his house than it is now worth. He has practically no retirement savings and will have to depend on government pensions and some political crony job.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but a lot of us lost everything. he still has his house thanks to OUR tax money, and he has done nothing to help us. he thinks we are all nothing more than loggers. he loves spi. they give him money too.