Thursday, February 12, 2015

OP-ED...Myths or Facts about Climate Change #3--Who needs snow?

   Since the scientific world (well, except for FOX News) has accepted that humans are basically causing climate change, or global warming, we need to cut down all these trees to release the water they hold to the farmers and southern California!  Myth or fact?  You decide!

   Since we rural areas are considered without any rights (not enough votes to win) they are telling us (many elected officials think we are nothing but a bunch of hicks who need logging for work) that the only way they can get the water they need for other areas of California is by cutting down our forests!

   They say what a huge waste of water for those big firs and pines and redwoods to get all that water which we need to make money on our corporate farms and to fill our pools in LA.  Calaveras County gets absolutely NO more water for our uses.

    While it is true that people like Cliff Edson, who is promoting clear-cutting for water release in order to help McClintock get his people in LA water, long-range isn't it only killing the planet and especially California faster?  Deforestation is the end-all of our planet!

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