Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Status of "Postal" Strife

   The new Congress is in session and before long the bill to yet again fund the USPS  (the APWU) will come before them.

   It makes absolutely no sense continuing to fund a union that has absolutely no intention of willingly changing, lowering wages, or contracting out the Post Offices.

    Since most of us use e-mail for correspondence (many have even stopped sending Christmas cards throught the mail) the few people who still use it regularly should continue without our TAX money paying to maintain a giant union.

   All we receive is bills and ads in the  US Mail anyway. Most trust FedEx or UPS to ship parcels.

   The entire thing needs to be contracted out. The money the Postal Service is demanding is for continuing the UNION, (the American Postal Workers),  not because they care so much about Americans getting their mail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the post office, but you are so right. we are just funding a big union.
If they wete contracted out, it would save so much money.