Friday, November 2, 2012

Letter to the Editor.....About TOT

   Dear Editor:

    After reading up on what's been going on with certain non-profits in Calaveras County, I am absolutely shocked that they are still in business.

   At least the Sierra Sentinel has posted what I feel is the real truth. That is, that 5 non-profits in Calaveras County, with the help of Supervisor Wilensky and Pat McGreevy, formed a Political Action Group, or PAC, in order to hide their campaining efforts.

   This is clearly against IRS law for 501c3's and it's not likely that we will see the video everyone is talking about, since it is evidence.  Apparently these non-profits need money and no one will donate to them.

   And so, they got certain Supervisorial candidates to sell themselves out, for votes.

   There isn't near enough corruption in Calaveras County now, is there? They needed to dredge up more!

                        S in Arnold


Anonymous said...

This is my first time commenting on your site, and I'm amazed at the difference in IQ level between this and the other site in the county. Even the negative comments are far a cut above in clear, intelligent thinking.
You are right, S. They have violated the IRS law in my opinion, too!

Anonymous said...

There are actually a lot more 501(c)3s involved as regards overall support. It's basically a coalition with Pat McGreevy and Citizens for a Better Calaveras at the helm. Included are Visitors Bureau, County Fair, Arts Council, Humane SOciety, Senior Center, Friends of the Library, COunty Parks and Recreation, Resource Connection, Child Care Council,which amount to 10. Perhaps there are others hiding in the shadows?

Anonymous said...

Some might say, but these non-profits are all worthy causes and shouldn't be punished for their good intentions. Trouble is, they're acting only for their own self interests and dismissing all opposition as not worthy of consideration. Additionally, the rules for non-profits are there for good reason. If we ignore the rules for whom we consider the "good guys" then we open the door for the "bad guys".

Anonymous said...

The fact that their 3 candidates, Edson, Wright & Ponte aren't dissociating themselves from Wilensky & this association of non-profits that are clearly defying the intent of 501c3 campaigning restrictions if not in fact breaking the law, says it all. 3 candidates willing to GAME the system. Cheats who will have no qualms about legislating in favor of their special interests if elected!

Anonymous said...

Gaming the system by politicians, Unions and lobbyists is the New Norm and unfortunately it no longer outrages the majority of citizens as almost all of us have a friend or relative that benefits from the gaming. Used to be the gaming was mostly from the right wing and favored industry. Now the gaming is more from the left wing and favors entitlement. Both wrong however favoring entitlement is destroying the economy as it TAKES and doesn't give back.