Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Calaveras Supervisors rescind religious anti-abortion Resolution

    The most fascinating things about the rescission of the "Door of Hope" anti-abortion religious groups resolution at yesterday's Board of Supervisors meeting were:

    1.  How the retired County Counsel Elliott (a devout right-wing Christian,who wrote a letter saying they did nothing wrong), Pontiff Ponte and Pastor Edsel tried to pretend they weren't right in the thick of it with Spellman. Actually tried to pretend they weren't in on it because of their own religions. I hate liars, don't you? Edsel and Ponte are next to be eliminated!!!

    2.  Altar Boy Spellman, who is a SHORT-TIMER, stuck to his guns, along with Pontiff Ponte and Pastor Edsel in not wanting it rescinded. Edsel actually stated he saw NOTHING RELIGIOUS in the resolution. Uh, DUH?

   3. No one in the audience who spoke for separation of Church and State said anything nasty about the Door of Hope people.  However, those right wing anti-women's rights wackos threatened Chris Wright and Merita Callaway's next election. Are you surprised?  Religion can make violent nuts out of otherwise normal people. We see it all over the world!

   4. Towards the end of the nearly two hour battle (who cares about the jobs situation in Calaveras), County Counsel stepped in after Spellman made a motion to keep the original Resolution of praise. The little group of five (gobble, gobble) met in closed session for 10 minutes, then returned and only Spellman voted in favor of keeping the resolution.

   5.  Merita Callaway and Chris Wright are to be praised for their stance to rescind the Resolution, especially in the face of threats by the "church" people, to throw them out of office. Somehow I don't see the alternative in Callaways runoff (Mr. Mustache) as a religious fanatic; in fact, most likely the opposite, so it will not hurt her.

   This could come back at some point after being re-written leaving religion out of it. We'll have to wait and see. If anything could turn people against organized religion, this would certainly be it. The only thing that wasn't said was like the last time when the term "baby murderer" was used against certain Supervisors. Isn't religion wonderful????


Anonymous said...

After reading this, I no longer wonder why we are thought of as hicks in Calaveras County. Does the entire right wing move to this county because no one can stand them where they come from?

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Michael Oliveiras in the audience.

Anonymous said...

County Counsel Elliot wrote a legal opinion response to the ACLU.