Wednesday, February 11, 2015

OP-ED...Myths or Facts about Climate Change #2--Who needs snow?

  The clear-cutters committee, appointed by the Governor, have convinced Governor Brown that they need to cut down the old trees because they don't absorb the carbon like the small trees do!  Myth or Fact?  You decide!

   We have all watched as the big logging companies like SPI, donate to elected officials, even here in Calaveras County, to get the clear-cut people on the right committees.

   We don't believe that Governor Brown really believes that garbage, but if he is willing to appoint a
donor that helps them clear-cut for money, he is equally guilty of bringing about climate change.

   The older trees continue to collect the carbons we humans emit forever, and they never stop growing.  Meanwhile, wildlife and watershed is destroyed forever when they are destroyed.  Therefore, nature is the best answer to forests and water yield.

   Does anyone actually believe that the horrid clear-cutting being done to our Sierras is NOT causing more climate change?   Lobbying works in the USA!!

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