Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Calaveras Supervisors give Sheriff $100,000 tool for cannabis

    At the Calaveras Supervisors meeting on December 13, 2016 the Sheriff demanded that he must have a sophisticated measuring tool in order to handle the cannabis inspections.

   With Ponte disapproving, and rightly so, Oliveira, Clapp and Wright voted to give it to them. $90,000 is coming from the monies collected from growers. The temporary Sheriff campaigned to END cannabis growing!  Is he NUTS???!


Anonymous said...

Good point! And if they end the urgency ordinance in march, he gets to keep his fun tool anyway. To hell with the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

So what is the tool?

Anonymous said...

What "tool" did they get? I see nothing about it in the agenda.

Anonymous said...

I hear they never EVER used the decibel readers they were given for the noise ordinance. Is that true.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see it on the agenda either. Was Oliverra pushing for it?

Anonymous said...

This will collect dust with the dec reader. They dont even know how to use this measure tool. They need special training or they will hire out for some other expert to use. WASTE of tax payer money. Stupid sheriff

Anonymous said...

Canopy sq ft is length x width. A new measure wheel at home depot costs $30.00 Stupid cops cant even do elementary math

Anonymous said...

For those who think all this is so simple in this poorly crafted law, does canopy area equal the area occupied by each plant multiplied by the number of plants or is the total area under cultivation? What if the plants are different sizes (as they are)? Do you have to measure each plant? This may be obvious to the untrained reader but you can bet a defense attorney will bring these questions and more. The supervisors handed the sheriff an impossible task, even with the best of tools.

Unfortunately the Sheriff has been forced to go on a fool's errand here. Spend less energy lambasting the Sheriff and more time hammering the idiots who brought us this mess.