A resignation from Jeff Crovitz of Public Works has been received and accepted by the Calaveras Supervisors this morning.
His resignation is effective the first part of June, 2018. And now another one bites the dust in good ol Calaveras County.
How funny, did he even make it 2 years working through the hillbilly board of supervisors? Hire someone that is an educated engineer in public works not a supporter of all you can eat pizza and them some!
Sierra Sentinel, have you forgotten the hiring hearing regarding Mr. Crovitz? His reasons for leaving Caltrans were expressed publicly before the boar by a citizen. Oh, you have a short memory.
Did he quit or was he forced to resign or be fired?
Glad he is gone. He after listening to our new OES director was a lazy employee. Ms Patterson (OES) has organized and prioritized the road repairs her dept is cleaning up Jeffs mess. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, Jeff!
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