Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Voters rake Sacramento County Sheriff over the coals!! What about Calaveras????

   At a many hours long Sacramento County Supervisors meeting last night where the public, one after another stood up and insisted the Sheriff is not doing right by the people, they voted.

   Jones is the extreme right wing candidate who tried to beat Ami Bera for a seat in Congress not long ago.  Wacky and more than a little racist, is what we are told.

   While Sheriff Scott Jones stood at the microphone, people behind him booed, called him names, including racist, and in general demanded the Board of Supervisors do something to reign in the dictator.

   Jones admitted that he is referred to as rogue, authoritarian, dictator, mini-Trump and racist, but insisted that there should not be an Inspector General over him.

   The Supervisors disagreed, voting that the Sheriff has NO authority to squelch what the inspector investigates or negate the findings.

   Now we need something like this in Calaveras County, DiBasilio and his gang have been out of control for years, without ANY oversight and the Grand Jury does NOTHING.

   DiBasilio is known to protect any RACISTS, as they are his buddies, pick on people who do  nothing but legally grow cannabis, even demanding more money from taxpayers to harass the farmers.

     He is actually worse than Kuntz, who was a horrid Sheriff, spending more time drunk and chasing women everyone says, than being a real Sheriff for the people.


Anonymous said...

And he is corrupt in a lot of other ways!

Anonymous said...

What? Now you don't like your Sheriff? He wants marijuana to return, so he can spend and refill his coffers. SUCKERS11