Dear Editor:
I've heard a lot of talk about why Supervisor Tofanelli lost this election. All of the factors mentioned probably had an affect on his defeat.
However, for me it was his wanting the Board of Supervisor to only meet twice a month, and to curtail public comment at the meetings, which is action against the voters.
His attempts to stop the public from complaining, causing some to not even be able to tell when they are holding their meetings was the final blow for me. And I'm watching the others who are now elected to the Board to see if they continue it.
I hear that Callaway loves it this way. She has much more time to campaign.
Concerned the Public is being Treated with no respect, in Valley Springs
There was also the vote on the Coe gun range
To the author, very well said.
There has been praise for Tofanelli's leadership recently. All of it addressed what he did in Valley Springs. What did he do for San Andreas? What did he do for the rest of D-1 not in Valley Spring or San Andreas? Could the answers be why he was soundly defeated?
Tofanelli was never seen at BOS meetings before being elected. I wonder if he will be seen again, after leaving office, at a BOS meeting?
I think its cause he hung out with callaways' scummiest friends. I hear he even took his shirt off in public.
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