Saturday, November 17, 2012

Open and Transparent Planning Department?

  Rebecca Willis prefaced her remarks at the November 13, 2012 Board of Supervisors meeting asking for another $300,000 by saying she wanted to be open and transparent.
   So why then, while outlining how much the County has spent to this point on developing a new General Plan, did she completely leave out how much our Planning Department has spent in-house.

   Willis had previously stated that they were going to finish the General Plan revision in-house, and for the past 2 years at least, have been working on it.

   How much have the taxpayers spent in-house? Let's be truly transparent!

   As far as transparency is concerned in other matters in the Planning Department, we have attempted to get an accurate current document with what is recommended or planned for permits at Lake Tulloch vacation rentals and why other areas in the county are being protected from this?

   Always back to transparency. Some of those who espouse it the most, keep the most secrets..


Anonymous said...

The General Plan is being downsized. Anything not required by the state will be left out. I believe that's what I heard. Money spent, what does it matter now? Elements that people put a lot of time and energy are being left out.
Why was T. Tryon being followed by Willis and Garcia into the planning building today? Working on the SR4 Wagon Trail project? Maybe Tryon can get it done before he is officially out of a county job?

Anonymous said...

As long as they keep Spellman out of there, it will be ok. Probably General Plan stuff.

Anonymous said...

Highly unlikely it's General Plan going on. Due to the fact the consultant was just hired. Considering Task 1. is prepare administrative draft under the direction of and for review by county staff. They don't need Tryon for that. When's the next COG meeting?