Friday, August 23, 2013

Op-Ed....Wilensky-Callaway Plan to build tenements propaganda

   August 23, 2013: What is the reason for Wilensky (now replaced by Chris Wright) and Callaway want to put tenements up in Calaveras County (they are calling them townhouses)?

   Is it about the environment or is it because they feel they can scrooge more money out of the taxpayers per square mile??  Think about it!!

   If you cram all the people together in what they are identifying as "clustered" housing, instead of allowing them to have a little more space, you can rip them off for far more than if they have an acre or 5 acres of land.

   They also say you can cram sewer and water and electricity into a smaller area, and so they can collect more money at less infrastructure expense (Callaway is a big PG&E supporter,  a former employee and recipient of campaign donations from them).

   The government has other people out there pushing for "clustering". There is a woman named Leigh Gallagher who wrote a book to influence the public to want to move into "clustering".

   She stated on TV that she had interviewed people all over the US who hated living in the "suburbs" and having a little land. She said they all wanted to go back to the city with everyone crammed in together.

   To us, this is clearly government propaganda, just like we get from the government for wars and other policies they try to brainwash us with.

   The problem is, most Americans are gullible and fall for all the government's brainwashing tactics. Think about it. How did the Bush regime convince us to go after Iraq?

    Will the government lie to get more tax money out of us, the same way they lie to get us to give their military corporation friends more business even if our boys die for it?

   Of course they will! And we all thought President Obama would be different? Now many are wondering!

   Do any of us really want the crime, filth, and poverty of more "clustered" housing in Calaveras County, pretending it is for the environment? Not us!

     We like it the way it is, with people able to live on an acre or 5 or 10, and enjoy a little space. Don't allow yourself to be brainwashed by propaganda from Wilensky and Callaway or by an author like Leigh Gallagher.

   You do remember the propaganda movies that were made during WWII don't you? Yes, our government has always spent our tax money on ways to brainwash us into doing what they want.

   This is about gaining more tax money for the government!  This is not about doing what's right for the people or the environment!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today's developers are financially hard pressed to promote vertical housing. Federal, state, county, city governments want to control the people like the rodent in a cage with a wheel. Vertical housing is the way to control.
The costs paid to the government won't go down. Spiraling up is the only way government knows.
Can you see it now, a metropolitan downtown Angels Camp with skyscrapers? Think about it, if you have window that open, you can throw food out the window for bears and other critters and they can't get to you, unless they come up the stairs or operate the elevator.