Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Calaveras County Supervisors fooled by a few welfare collecting cowpunchers

   On September 12, 2013, the County of Calaveras proved, once and for all that it is totally against anyone
coming here to legally build on their own property.

   The Calaveras Supervisors proved that if a few loudmouths yell enough lies for long enough that they will believe them.

   They also proved that they are all five totally against any good jobs being created here in this county. What a shame!  What a waste!  They should all be recalled!

   More to come, much more about how each Supervisor decides to vote. Money and re-elections???


Anonymous said...

pretty strong, but true. they don't just laugh at us all the way from sacramento just for the scandals and affairs, they laugh at our country bumpkins incompetent elected officials.

Anonymous said...

These neighbors you mention are the ones we should never have allowed in Calaveras County. Creepy kooks who want the door closed behind them, losers all of them!

Anonymous said...

The neighbors have been here since the 1800's. When did you come here?
The owners of the property can build on it. They can't subdivide less than 40 acres. They might be able to get two lots. Until 07-242 gets rescinded with a better management program for the General Plan. That's it.
Do you ever consider that the elected elite want to continue with a moratorium? That would give more time for Tryonville to move forward.
Should Calaveras be changed to Moratoriumville?

Anonymous said...

Let's see now. The goldrush of 1849 my great great grandfather hit it pretty big. And he never tried to tell his neighbor what he could do with his property, you loud mouth cowpuncher. Did you graduate? How many cows does it take to screw in a lightbulb? If you own 20 acres you only have one cow and now wonder your light is dim.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, 1849 to 2013, 164 years. Has anything changed? It isn't the neighbors telling the applicant what they can and can't do. It's the people you elected to implement Resolution 07-242. The 40 acres and a mule rule, with public water & Sewer. It was a unanimous vote 5-0.