Friday, July 11, 2014

Today is World "OVER" Population Day

  What a perfect day to celebrate the end of women's right to choose, but on World "OVER" Population Day.

   It is the fact that this over-populating the world with HUMANS is what is destroying our EARTH.

  The fundamentalist right wing so-called Christians like Ponte, Edson and Spellman and their friends don't care about the EARTHS demise, but about populating it with even more right-wingers.

   How sad.  The earth can only take so much of the HUMAN exploitation, demise, hate, violence and outright destruction of its surface. 

    So keep it up, right-wing anti-women churches; you are on the right track for NOT HEAVEN, but burning in YOU KNOW WHERE right here on earth!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The environmental liberals have been saying that for 30 years. I agree! We're over populated with progressives and liberals. Now what?