Friday, January 9, 2015

Mitch McConnell takes credit for economy! LOL

   Now this is funny. Mitch McConnell actually had the nerve to stand up and say (in front of others) that the only reason the economy is looking better is because of a Republican controlled Congress. That's a big LOL!

  That is one of the most hilarious things he's ever said. In fact, everyone in DC, including the White House press secretary is making fun of him.  "Like saying me and Michael Jordan scored 70 points together in one game." and not saying that Jordan scored 70 and I scored 1.

   How that doofus got re-elected is hard to see. Yes, I said doofus!


Anonymous said...

Doofuses vote for doofuses.

Anonymous said...

The republicans live in a true fantasy world re the economy and women and the separation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

The republicans live in a true fantasy world re the economy and women and the separation of church and state.

Anonymous said...

Now that tea party Ponte Edson and Oliveria are supes, they will contibnue to insist the right wing extremists rule.