Sunday, January 13, 2013

Angels City Council Meeting

   The Angels Camp City Council meeting was held last Tuesday, Januray 8, 2013. They had two applicants show up for interviews. The third was a no-show.

    One of the interesting things both applicants stated was that the City Council is supposed to represent the people and the staff is supposed to do what the Council tells them.

   That is certainly not what  happens now. The staff, led by McHatten does what it pleases and the City Council does not listen to the public.

    In fact, the Council takes the side of the staff in every instance against the public, and we can personally attest to that fact.

   In the next election, the people of Angels Camp need to elect a Council that does its job and has control over their staff.

   Another  statement that an applicant made was about business. He mentioned that paying so much attention to the downtown businesses (personal friends with the landlords there) causes them to ignore the other businesses. Another true statement.

     At least they didn't pick the candidate who wants to turn their creek trail into an equestrian trail.

   They just  don't get it!!   The new Councilmember is Mr. Sobon. More on him later.

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