Saturday, November 16, 2013

Calaveras Ranchers destroy Pool Station Road, yet pay little and get welfare?

   At the November 12, 2013 Calaveras Board of Supervisor meeting, a member of the public was commenting on the Supervisors agenda item about increasing the RIM Fees.

   A very smart person began talking about how Edson and Ponte had killed a very nice project of 4 homes on 100+ acres on Pool Station Road.

   Supervisor Edson seemed to cringe, because he is the Supervisor who used to pretend that he was going to bring jobs and thus, hope to the San Andreas area.

   The most interesting comment was that the ranchers in that area, (Rader and Tiscornia) personal friends of Supervisor Ponte, who object to anyone being allowed to develop in what they consider to be THEIR area, actually cause more damage to the road than anyone.

   And it is so true that their big heavy cattle trucks go back and forth on Pool Station Road and they pay very little in taxes, get welfare subsidies and never pay their fare share on road maintenance.

   Something should really be done about these ranchers, who get away with contributing little to our infrastructure, get regular welfare checks and yet are in the Williamson Act to avoid paying property tax like the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

The ranchers will be taxed excessively by the death tax. The date of death appraised values of their property for taxation purposes could destroy those families in agriculture.
Lighten up, they produce the food we eat.
Thank you for the opportunity to post.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a rancher comes out from under a rock, or cowpie. The ranchers certainly don't lighten up on their neighbors, who are just trying to build homes. Not judgmental, are you? Agriculture, bagriculture! They're just trying to get rich the easiest way they can without an education, but with free land they inherited.

Anonymous said...

That's right! They think they can stop others by complaining, but no one can criticize them for what's true. Personally, I don't think the ranchers should get any welfare such as farm subsidies and the Willimson act in California. make them earn their money, like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

They complain about people who get welfare when they get welfare all the time. Subsidies and the Williamson Act are WELFARE!!

Anonymous said...

I want to know if its true that the two ranchers mentioned carry guns even, to try and scare off new property owners?

Anonymous said...

Folks in San Andreas have been talking about that. Seems Edson is somehow involved in that idea. Not sure how.

Anonymous said...

I don't know for sure, but it seems that Edson is involved in everything against jobs. He used to campaign on bringing jobs to San Andreas. Probably only for his café.

Anonymous said...

This whole idea is ridiculous. Most cowboys can't read and write anyway. that's why they have ponte and tryon before her.

Anonymous said...

The environmtal extremsts think that these ranch welfare payments are good. I'm sure the ranchers are laughing at them all the way to the bank.

Anonymous said...

When you look at the facts, as recently expressed in the news. Without the farm bill subsidies, for example, milk would be $8.00 a gallon. One could surmise, the Farm Bill subsidizes the agriculturists for the benefit of the people.

Anonymous said...

Opportunity to post is not a rancher, but someone who has witnessed the heavy hand of death taxes on agriculture. By the way, it can do the same thing to the average citizen, YOU.
Thank you, again, for the opportunity to post.