Friday, November 22, 2013

Last three pardoned....Who wants to return to Founding Fathers beliefs?

   Today is was announced that the last three boys of nine who were wrongly convicted of raping and killing a white woman in 1931. received pardons...posthumously.

   It is fitting that this is the day they would announce this in Alabama, the day of the 50th year after JFK was killed.

  One of the reasons he was hated by some,was the fact that he wanted to end the civil rights violations and injustices of black people in the south.

  In fact the day JFK arrived in Dallas, there were people out there shouting negative things to the President and even carrying the Confederate flag.

   Since in those days, the three TV stations were more careful and protective over what they showed, most of us never saw this.

  82 years later, there is still a political faction, although by another name, who want to return to the days of extreme discrimination and who feel what happened to the 9 boys in Alabama was okay.

    This is the same hatred and discrimination due to race leveled at President Obama. We must admit that is the case and fight it.

    Beware, be cautious and avoid these people, these extremists who say they want to return to the Founding Fathers beliefs. The Founding Fathers were ALL slaveholders!

   We must decide what kind of people we are now and will be in the future, and racism cannot be part of it, for the good of our families and our country.

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