Friday, November 8, 2013

Senator McConnell has some backbone after all?

   During a Wall Street Journal interview with historian Peggy Noonan, Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell finally said things that needed to be said....about the Tea Party.

  He feels that the loss of the Tea Party candidate in southern Alabama shows that people want legislators who make sense, and who don't say things like, "the President was born in Kenya, that the shutdown was a great idea and that he won't vote for Speaker Boehner."

   Some are calling it a civil war within the Republican Party, and if the Confederates win, we will end up going back to the 1700's.

   McConnell says that the Republican Party needs candidates that can win in a general election, and that the establishment candidate, Byrnes is that candidate.

   This is the strongest set of comments that McConnell has yet made about the Tea Party. We'll see what happens; if the Republican Party comes back from the 1700's or if they collapse into an internal Civil War..

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